Hello! Well today started out good because it was snowing out!! But after that it got worse! Me and Jese are both getting sick with the stomach flu, Jese's temp. is 99.9 right now, I didn't check mine. We watched tv all day long! I didn't get any homework done, oh oh, looks like a busy week for me! I just checked my emails and the person who bought all my dvd's on ebay still hasn't received them (I mailed them Nov. 20) and filed a disput against me, hopefully they get them and I don't have to refund their money, it is $53.10, that is a christmas present!!! I still have one person who hasn't paid me and if they don't within the next couple days I am going to relist the item. I am not having good luck with my ebay items lately!! My tummy hurts :( I am going to go to bed now. I hope tomorrow is better!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Yea, it's Christmas season!!!
Hello!! Today Jese and I got some good deals! We didn't get up until 6:30 but that was okay because nothing at Walmart was sold out when we got there. We got a Blu-ray player for only $128, two movies, a memory card for the camera (which I found finally this morning!) 28 tupperware for $7, flannel sheets, suitcases, and a few other things! I got Jese the rest of his presents so now I am done shopping for him!! We are almost done with our Christmas shopping already!! Okay well I don't know much right now so I am going to wrap Jese's presents!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!
Hello!! I won't have my computer or internet to update tomorrow!! We are going to Faribo today as soon as Jese is done with work, so around 3:30 we will be leaving! Thanksgiving day is going to be a super busy one, in the morning Jese and I are going to Northfield to jog/walk the Turkey Trot, I can't get sweaty because I don't want to have to take a shower because it takes too long to dry my hair! Then for lunch we will be going to Grandma W.'s and for supper Grandma B.'s house! Then it will be back to Winona and on Friday morning we will do some shopping!! There are only a few things I want to get so far, but I haven't looked at all of the ads yet.Well seeing as it is so early I don't know anything yet because I just got up 30 minutes ago, so have a happy thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hello!! Well yesterday I decided to rearrange my living room so it is all ready for my christmas decorations. After I did that I thought well it is silly not to put up everything since it is all ready, so I did!! Now all of my Christmas decorations are up, except for some of the dept. 56 houses. Last night the other lady at work called me to see if I would work for her today because she was sick and I told her to call me back today if she was still sick and then I would tell her. This morning I called her and told her I wasn't going to work for her but she didn't answer so I left a message and then she called me later and told me she wasn't actually sick anymore, it was just personal issues because she is getting a divorce so she thought she was sick! That is why I didn't say yes last night because I knew she really wasn't sick. Loser! Today I am going to make peanut butter blossoms!! I didn't get to make cookies last night because I was so busy putting up christmas decorations!! Okay well that is all for today!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Isn't he handsome!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My ebay items are up to $55 and they don't end till Friday night!! That means we can buy one more christmas present!
Hello!! So this morning when I left for school I looked to see if the other receptionist car was in the apartment parking lot (she lives at the same place as me) and it was. Well I am working for her again today because she supposedly in Rochester with her dad, who has no vehicle. So I just called her to see if she was back yet (she's been there since Tuesday night) and she told me that she was still in Rochester and wouldn't get back to later and then she had to pick up her kids!!! Well if that was true why was her truck in Winona!! Grrr!! I am not happy with her at all, I worked for her yesterday and when she asked me to work for her these two days she told me she would most likely be back in time to work today, and I am working part of Saturday because she can't work more than 4 hours! I wish they could fire her and hire someone who could work! Yes I know I complain because we need money for Christmas but this is the end of the semester and I don't like to do my homework until the last minute and so I don't really have time to work for her all the time! Plus at work they know that I don' t know how to say no to them when they ask me to work even if I don't want to be there so they always ask me! Okay well since I have to work for stupid hooker girl tonight I have to get going so I can continue writing my paper that is due tomorow at noon!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I have a problem!!
So pretty much I can't do my homework!! I have been sitting here trying to get started on my paper and the only thing I have done is pull up the website I need to get information off of!! I have lots to do but I have a problem where I don't do my homework until the last minutes, and guess what, it isn't the last minute yet! But here is the problem I am working today and tomorow so I won't have any time but now to get it done, gosh I hate homework!! Good thing there are only 9 days left of classes!!
I wish we had this much snow....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's almost Christmas time!!

Monday, November 17, 2008
I just can't get enough!!
I had no picture for today so I took a picture of myself for you!! So yesterday I know I said that I wasn't going to work on Saturday but I changed my mind! I am going to work from 9-12:30, that way I still have plenty of time to get to Cassie's! I registered for my classes today, the jerks don't let you register for more than 16 credits so I didn't get into one of my classes but they offer it two other times I can take it so hopefully they still have seats open by the time I am able to register for more than 16 credits!! I will be taking a total of 18 credits, so one less than this semester! I don't really know much today. Jese is working on becoming full time at his job but he is also trying to get out of traking by the end of December because he is really sick of that part of his job! Oh, in case you were wondering why they needed me to work this weekend is because the other lady is only allowed to work 4 hours a day because her doctor said so and they think it is going to be busy because it is the saturday before thanksgiving so they wanted me there when she isn't. Okay well I don't know anything else so I am going to go eat some lunch!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Yum, chocolate cake!!
Hi!! Today I got done with work early because we weren't busy at all! They asked me if I would work part of this coming Saturday but I said no because that would make it 5 Saturday's in a row and we are going up to Cassie's that day! After I got home from work I decided to make a chocolate cake! It smells really yummy! I haven't tried it yet though because I didn't feel like making frosting so when Jese gets back to Winona he is going to run to the store and pick up some frosting so we can just put that on! Right now I am watching the Take the Lead, I love it! Speaking of movies, my DVD's on ebay got a bid today and Jese's shirt got another bid, yea!!! I wish I had more things to sell on ebay to make some more money for Christmas. We need to save lots of money to get enough for Christmas this year! This year we only have 7 Christmas's to go to instead of 8! Jese should be home in another hour or so! Then I can eat my yummy cake! I register for classes tomorow, I have to make sure I don't forget to, that would suck!!! I think I register at 12 or 12:30, I will double check tonight before I go to bed! I am going to have to go to bed with the squirt bottle tonight because the last few mornings Oreo has woke me up at 6:30 trying to get me up by meowing and scratching at the closet door, so tomorow morning when she does it I will squirt her untill she leaves me alone so I can sleep! This morning I was able to get right up out of bed because it was SNOWING out!! I was so excited, it snowed about half to the day today, I loved it! I wish it would have snowed enough to leave snow on the ground, that would have been amazing! Okay well I don't know anything else!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Obsessions run you life, I would rather run my own life
Hello again! Today was busy at work, well really it wasn't busy until 12:30, then we got swamped but I am such a good worker we were fine!! My feet are really sore now though from walking back and forth and back and forth!! After work was done I had to talk to the owner about when I am going to work next semester. My classes don't get done untill 4:30 or 4:50 every day except for friday so it is going to be hard for me to work there, so I will probably end up working all day Friday and every weekend, execpt one per month. Hopefully it won't suck too much!! I think they are going to let me know tomorow when they are going to have me work. Also they asked me if when I get done with school if I was going to stay there and look for another job or what I was going to do so I had to tell them that as soon as I was done with school I am out of the crappy town, I can't wait!! This was my 4th Saturday in a row I have worked!! I am ready for next week because it will be my weekend off! I hope it isn't busy tomorow so I can leave early, that would be really nice! Jese just left me to go back to Faribault so he can help cut up the deer tomorow, I hope he gets home early tomorow. Oh yes, this morning I woke up at 6:20 because Oreo decided it was necessary to meow and scratch at the closet door and then meow some more!! There are only 12 more days of classes and then a week of finals and that is it!! I am so excited to be done with this semester! I only have two more tests in Accounting, one on Tuesday and then the one during finals week and I am still at a B!!! Just think last semester I was at a F in the same class just a different teacher!! Last night I put 27 of our movies on ebay and another Hoyt shirt that Jese had. The shirt already has a bid on it and two people watching it but the movies aren't doing so good yet. Okay well I don't know anything else so see ya on the flip side!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Yea no school!!!
Hi!! Today I didn't have any classes!! It was sweet! Instead of classes I slept till 9:10, which I could have done anyways even if I had classes! Then I ate some oatmeal and watched the first half hour of the View and then took a much needed shower!! Then I did some cleaning, I swept, did the dishes, vaccumed, and pretended to make the bed :) I also got supper ready, I am making chicken with gravy in the slow cooker. It was supposed to be just chicken breast but I put a whole chicken in, hopefully it will still be good!! I figure it will just be like turkey with gravy! Today it is gloomy out, there is still no snow and no sun, no clouds, just grayness, how boring! It could at least be raining if it is going to be a gray day! I have to go to work at 3:00 so I have another 45 minutes of freedom!! I have to work this weekend, and next week my only day off is tuesday, good thing I have the next two weekends off!! There are only 14 days till I can put up my christmas decorations and only 41 days till Christmas!!! I am so excited!! I ate noodles with cheese for lunch today, it was leftover from supper last night, we had salmon patties and noodles with cheese! Okay well I guess I don't know anything else!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Where is my snow damn it!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Are you sick, or are your allergies just bad??
Hello!! So on Monday a girl asked me if I was sick or if my allergies were bad and I said nope, I am feeling just fine and in my head I was thinking thanks for telling me I look like crap! Then yesterday she said the same thing!!! Then she was like oh are wearing less makeup or tired...so then I said nope but thanks for the compliment!!! So I guess I look like crap! On Sunday a different girl that drives me nuts was getting on my nerves so I was just ignoring her and then she said oh you shouldn't be crabby because it is going to make you ugly and then you husband will leave you for someone else!!! So not only do I already look like crap but Jese is going to leave me for someone else!! Man I love the people I work with, they are so nice to me!! Well everyone else is just those two were a little bit rude!! Right now I am in my class, I am wearing a hat and we aren't supposed to wear them in this class but she hasn't yelled at me yet, hahaha!! Today after my last class I am meeting with someone to work on our tax homework that is due tomorow, we have to do a tax return, hopefully it doesn't take too long! Yesterday Jese was going to make some chicken and when it was baking the glass baking dish it was in exploded in the oven!! It was a mess, but Jese cleaned it all up and now the oven is nice, clean, and glass free!! We ended up having hamburger helper instead, the chicken would have been better! Well I don't know anything else today, have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Get off my blanket!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Day off!!
Yea, we don't have school today!!! To bad I have to work :( So pretty much Pizza hates Jese now and won't leave me alone. Last night she decided she had to sleep right next to me and use up my whole side of the bed and then of course Oreo had to join her! Right now she is sitting on my lap. Anytime I sit on the couch she some how hears me even if she is in another room and comes running over to sit on me. It makes being on my computer very hard!! But at least she likes me again! So far today I haven't done much. I cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes, and that is about it! Next I am going to make rochester cookies and cook the tenderloins from Jese's deer that he shot yesterday!! We are going to have them for lunch! Last night we went and got our new tv after we ate supper. We ended up getting a 42" Philips, the ratings for it online were really good, only one person didn't give it 5 stars and that was just because the wall mount is harder to get because it is in the metric system so you have to get the one specially for the tv. Good then we aren't putting ours on the wall!! We ended up saving $100 by getting this one instead of the Sony and you could only tell the differences in the color a little bit other than that they were pretty much the same quality! Okay well I want to get my cookies started since I do have to be at work in 3 hours!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Good Morning!!
Hello!! I know you thinking, why in the world am I am up right now since I don't work until 11:00!! Well I'll tell you! This morning at 7 am Jese sent me a text message and woke me up because he got a deer!! So then I had to send text messages back and forth between him and papa!! He got a 6 pointer so now he will be able to leave earlier today instead of late tonight!! Yesterday there were 5 deer shot and 16 seen. Adam got a nice pointer and Sam, Tom, Ryan, and someone else got deer too!! Jese saw two yesterday but they were far away and running. Good thing he had my stand to sit on so he could get a deer, my stand hardly ever fails anyone!! Last night I got the tv, HD-DVD player, and PS3 moved into the bedroom and I got it all hooked up to my speakers in there! Jese probably won't be to happy about me putting the PS3 in the bedroom but he will live!! I think we will get the Sony Bravia 40" from either walmart or target, with tax it will still be less than $100 more than the 32" we bought last year!! TV's got way cheaper!! That is the same brand we have now and I like it so that is why I picked it again! I would go get it today but it will be to big for me to get from the car to the living room, plus Jese might want to know that we are getting it before I get it!! Today won't be busy at work because the vikings and packers play at noon, we are never ever busy when they play each other. Yesterday we actually stayed busy almost the whole day, and half of the people were men, weren't they all supposed to be hunting!! Okay well I guess I can go dry my hair now even though I don't have to leave for another two hours!!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Oh great!!
So last night I was sleepy so I though oh I will go to bed and watch a movie, I went to turn on the tv and it wouldn't turn on. I thought maybe it got unplugged so I struggled around everything and found that it was still plugged in so I plugged it into another switch and still nothing!! I was torked off because I wanted to watch my movie so I though well I guess I will just move it and bring the tv from the study in. Then I remebered why I always have Jese help me move it!! I had to bring chair into the bedroom, slid the tv onto then onto the little kitty tower, and then on to the ground because it was so heavy!! I am pretty sure it is 200lbs!! During all of that I dropped it on my leg and so now I have a huge bruise on it that hurts even when I walk, I feel like Cassie!! After all of that I went to the study and picked that little tv right up and carried it right in the bedroom!! So I got to watch my movie after all, it was Ms. Pettigrew lives for a day, it was pretty good!! So I guess now we need to buy a new tv now instead of waiting, darn!! Right now Pizza is sleeping on my, she had been on my for about an hour, she misses Jese that is why she is on my because she never sits with me!! Either that or she just loves my new kitty blanket and likes to sleep on it!! Okay well now I am going to go move the tv back to the study and move the good tv from the living room into the bedroom so when Jese comes home it is ready for us to get a new tv :)
Friday, November 07, 2008
I am so happy, it is kind of snowing out!!! I wish it was staying on the ground and more like snow and less like slush!! But at least it is getting closer to snow!! So last night was boring, I got home at 4:30, started making my pizza burgers. While I was waiting for those to get done I talked to amy. Then I ate my supper, read a little, took a shower, then watched Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy and Miami Ink. After that I did the dishes and went in bed and read some more, it was a very exciting night, I am sure tonight will be even better!! I have a movie from Netflix that I can watch tonight after work, I'm not sure what it is though. Besides that who knows what exciting thing I will come up with to do!! I don't like having Jese gone, the hallway light burned out and even with my step ladder I am too short to change the light bulbs and I have to take out the garbage and I am pretty sure I am going to have to clean the kitty litter sometime this weekend too, which I probably haven't done in ages because that is Jese's job!! Oh yeah, I forgot I made grape Jell-O yesterday too, so now I can eat it today! Oh yes, now the snow is real snow not slush!! Pizza is sitting in the door watching it, she loves it!! Don't worry I remebered to feed the fish last night and this morning! Okay well I am going to go get ready for my one class I have today!! Have a GREAT day!!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
All by myself, don't wanna be all by myself!!!
Well it's offical, Jese left me :( Just for a few days though!! He went up north for deer hunting and left me here by myself!! I think I am going to have to put the automatic feeder on the fish tank because I'm not going to remeber to feed them, that is his job!! He just left and is going to be up there untill Sunday, jerk!! Like Amy this is my first year since I started going up (5th, or 6th grade) that I am missing out. Well really the first year I just sat on the stand and didn't hunt, I wasn't ready yet, but the next year I hunted!! I think I got my first deer when I was 14 because the first year you can go is when you are 12 and I didn't actually hunt that year and the next year I didn't get one, so yep I think 14!! Today I don't really know too much, my finger now doesn't feel anything and I have a blister on my palm but it no longer hurts so that is good!! After my test in Accounting today I am getting together with a few other people to do the written part of the Accounting test, it is take home so it is okay that we are doing it together!! I think I am going to make pizza burgers today for supper, even though it will just be me. Okay well I don't know anything else!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Okay so I know I updated already today but I just wanted to let everyone know how much pain I am in right now!! This morning when I was curling my hair I wasn't looking and I went to pick up my very hot curling iron and picked it up on the hot end instead of the nice cool handle!! Now I can't feel anything that I touch with my left hand, one finger is swollen and I have an almost blister on my palm. I also can't type with my swollen finger because it just doesn't work too well when I can't feel when I push the keys!! So lesson for today, don't grab a curling iron that has been on for 45 minutes! On the plus side, I was curling the last piece when I did this so at least my hair looks good and I was able to finish it!! Okay well it is hard not to type with my pointer finger so that is all for now!!
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring, oh wait, that's me snoring!!
Hello!! I am sooo happy, it is raining out, it isn't 70 degrees, and Obama won last night!! I am not happy about being up so early though, I don't have class untill 11:00!! I can't sleep past 7:15 anymore, Jese thinks I am still not used to the time change, I guess that could be it. Since I got up early though I plan on doing a bunch of homework before I go to school. Last night I cleaned the apartment before I went to bed so I don't have to do that today. I just need to get the laundry done! I hope it rains out all day long, it is supposed to but sometimes they say that and it doesn't. Okay well I am going to eat some KIX and then fix my hair and then do homework!! Have a nice day everyone!!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I voted!!
It's offical, Jese and I voted!! We just got back! We both voted for Obama!! We didn't have to stand in any line!!
Fine, I will update today if I have to!
Hello!! I hope everyone is voting today! I haven't yet but I am going to at 3:30 when I am done with class, I am sure I will have to stand in line for 2 hours!! That is okay though, it is worth it!
Now for my rant for the month. Almost every weekend I have off I go home and see my family. On the days I work and have school I come home do my homework and get cleaning done so I can come home. If I didn't come home I would get phone calls every week asking when I am coming home again. I feel bad because I never get up to Savage to see Cassie, I went from Easter-Oct. not seeing her, if I went that long not seeing anyone else, boy would I hear it. So my point is, on my days off from work and school I may not want to come home, I may have better things to do but I make an effort to keep my family happy, and because I have fun with them I don't mind having to struggle to get everything done on the days I don't have off. I am taking 19 credits this semster, working, and still managing to get home on almost every weekend off. I would just like to thank Amy for coming down and seeing me a few weeks ago, I think that was very nice of her. This weekend was my weekend off, I worked on Saturday and then on Sunday I went to Faribault and Northfield and didn't get back to Winona until 9:30 at night. I didn't have any homework done, yesterday I skipped class to get my hair done because I can never get it done otherwise, then I cleanded the apartment. This morning I got up at 7:00 to get my homework done that I was unable to do this weekend becuse I wasn't home. So next time I invite someone down they better have a damn good excuse to not come down and see me, having better things to do doesn't sound very nice. I don't think cleaning, hunting, or walking around twiddling your thumbs are better things to do. So, instead of going home next time I think I am going to go up to Savage to see Cassie because I never get to see her and her excuse is always a good one, she is working, that excuse works for me! So I guess Amy and Cassie are my favorite people in my family right now because Amy comes to see me and Cassie hardly gets any time off and so she doesn't have much time to come see me. Okay I am done with my rant for the month now.
Enjoy your day!
Now for my rant for the month. Almost every weekend I have off I go home and see my family. On the days I work and have school I come home do my homework and get cleaning done so I can come home. If I didn't come home I would get phone calls every week asking when I am coming home again. I feel bad because I never get up to Savage to see Cassie, I went from Easter-Oct. not seeing her, if I went that long not seeing anyone else, boy would I hear it. So my point is, on my days off from work and school I may not want to come home, I may have better things to do but I make an effort to keep my family happy, and because I have fun with them I don't mind having to struggle to get everything done on the days I don't have off. I am taking 19 credits this semster, working, and still managing to get home on almost every weekend off. I would just like to thank Amy for coming down and seeing me a few weeks ago, I think that was very nice of her. This weekend was my weekend off, I worked on Saturday and then on Sunday I went to Faribault and Northfield and didn't get back to Winona until 9:30 at night. I didn't have any homework done, yesterday I skipped class to get my hair done because I can never get it done otherwise, then I cleanded the apartment. This morning I got up at 7:00 to get my homework done that I was unable to do this weekend becuse I wasn't home. So next time I invite someone down they better have a damn good excuse to not come down and see me, having better things to do doesn't sound very nice. I don't think cleaning, hunting, or walking around twiddling your thumbs are better things to do. So, instead of going home next time I think I am going to go up to Savage to see Cassie because I never get to see her and her excuse is always a good one, she is working, that excuse works for me! So I guess Amy and Cassie are my favorite people in my family right now because Amy comes to see me and Cassie hardly gets any time off and so she doesn't have much time to come see me. Okay I am done with my rant for the month now.
Enjoy your day!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
I got kicked out of my own bed!!!
Yesterday I worked on my day off!! We had a really good show of people for the breast cancer benefit. I think we had almost 100 people show up!! We were super busy from 11-4 because that is when we had the $10 haircuts ($5 went to the local cancer society) The longest wait we had was 15 minutes though because everyone was working, except for one girl!!
Okay well I have to go get ready, we have to go to northfield to day so I have to go fix my hair now!
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