Hi!! Today I got done with work early because we weren't busy at all! They asked me if I would work part of this coming Saturday but I said no because that would make it 5 Saturday's in a row and we are going up to Cassie's that day! After I got home from work I decided to make a chocolate cake! It smells really yummy! I haven't tried it yet though because I didn't feel like making frosting so when Jese gets back to Winona he is going to run to the store and pick up some frosting so we can just put that on! Right now I am watching the Take the Lead, I love it! Speaking of movies, my DVD's on ebay got a bid today and Jese's shirt got another bid, yea!!! I wish I had more things to sell on ebay to make some more money for Christmas. We need to save lots of money to get enough for Christmas this year! This year we only have 7 Christmas's to go to instead of 8! Jese should be home in another hour or so! Then I can eat my yummy cake! I register for classes tomorow, I have to make sure I don't forget to, that would suck!!! I think I register at 12 or 12:30, I will double check tonight before I go to bed! I am going to have to go to bed with the squirt bottle tonight because the last few mornings Oreo has woke me up at 6:30 trying to get me up by meowing and scratching at the closet door, so tomorow morning when she does it I will squirt her untill she leaves me alone so I can sleep! This morning I was able to get right up out of bed because it was SNOWING out!! I was so excited, it snowed about half to the day today, I loved it! I wish it would have snowed enough to leave snow on the ground, that would have been amazing! Okay well I don't know anything else!
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