Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!

Hello!! I won't have my computer or internet to update tomorrow!! We are going to Faribo today as soon as Jese is done with work, so around 3:30 we will be leaving! Thanksgiving day is going to be a super busy one, in the morning Jese and I are going to Northfield to jog/walk the Turkey Trot, I can't get sweaty because I don't want to have to take a shower because it takes too long to dry my hair! Then for lunch we will be going to Grandma W.'s and for supper Grandma B.'s house! Then it will be back to Winona and on Friday morning we will do some shopping!! There are only a few things I want to get so far, but I haven't looked at all of the ads yet.Well seeing as it is so early I don't know anything yet because I just got up 30 minutes ago, so have a happy thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

i keep checking your blog even though i know that you don't have internet at dads!!!