I wish we had this much snow....
Hello all you internet junkies!! Today I only have one class, yea!! Good thing too because I have a lot of homework to get done before I go to work today! I have to write a paper (5 pg. max) and do my business law homework, which will double as studying for the test I have in that class tomorow! Brrr..I am cold, if I have to be cold there should at least be snow on the ground! So I was figuring out how many hours I will have next semester at work if they give me the schedule they were talking about (11 hours on Friday and every weekend but 1 every month) And I found out that by working just 3 days a week I will be working more hours than I am now by quite a bit because I would be there all day on Friday...if they have me work 11 hours on Friday I am going to tell them I am going to need a little bit of a break in the middle of the day for lunch, but they won't mind if I do that! Today I almost didn't make it to class because I decided to sleep in and then take a shower and then try to get my hair fixed all before I had to be here. I made it though! I even had 1 minute to spare before I left home! Then when I got to school and got out of my car the wind blew my hair everywhere! Hopefully it still looks okay, I can't see it seeing as I am in class! The girl next to me is reading a book right now instead of watching the video we are supposed to be watching! Good thing I am paying attention and not playing on the internet!! hehe! Who actually pays attention in classes anyways! Yesterday wasn't a very good only day off of work. I had class until 3:30!!! So I really didn't even get a day off! At least next week I will have three days off again, plus my whole weekend! I keep forgetting that on Sunday I have to be back to Winona by 4:00 because we have another work meeting! We are supposed to have it next weekend but the manager decided to have it this weekend instead because next weekend she has a 4 day weekend and didn't want to come in, jerk! Oh well, I have things I have to get done anyways since it is the end of the semester!! Next Tuesday I have two classes that are cancelled, if I feel like it I might go to the other two but we will see :) I might accidentally forget about them! Okay well I don't really know anything else!Christa
1 comment:
you put the same picture on last year!!!!
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