It's almost Christmas time!!
Since it is almost Christmas time, I thought I would put up a picture of a couple reindeer!! Well I got permission to be in my last class I need to register for, I will be taking 18 credits, I think I said that before! On Thursday I have class from 8-9:20 and 12:30-8:00!! That is a lot of time in classes for one day!! The reason it is that long is because I wasn't able to register for all of my classes because they only let you register for 16 credits until Friday when everyone is done so one of my classes got all filled up, but I will hopefully get into another section since you need permission to be in the class! Yesterday at work they asked me to work next Wednesday because they are having a pot luck and they wanted me to bring some of my yummy desserts!! So I told them that I won't work that day but I will bring in some rice crispy bars because I am so nice! Today has been really boring, I have a test in my next class, hopefully I do good, it is the second to last test in that class!! Only 10 more days of classes, yeepee!! There are only 37 days left until Christmas!! Today is my only day off of work this week. I have a paper due on Friday I haven't started yet so I have to do that tonight since I won't have anyother time to do it. Oh I guess I will have some time tomorow because my Energy teacher has cancelled the rest of our classes because we have nothing left to do!! That was nice of him! My lips are super chapped and I forgot my chapstick today, I forgot it yesterday too :( My lips are crying!! I made $61 on ebay yesterday, I think I have a few more things I can put on there tonight, so now I have enough money for 2 christmas presents!! Okay well I don't know anything else I guess!Christa
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