Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, November 30, 2008

oh oh!

Hello! Well today started out good because it was snowing out!! But after that it got worse! Me and Jese are both getting sick with the stomach flu, Jese's temp. is 99.9 right now, I didn't check mine. We watched tv all day long! I didn't get any homework done, oh oh, looks like a busy week for me! I just checked my emails and the person who bought all my dvd's on ebay still hasn't received them (I mailed them Nov. 20) and filed a disput against me, hopefully they get them and I don't have to refund their money, it is $53.10, that is a christmas present!!! I still have one person who hasn't paid me and if they don't within the next couple days I am going to relist the item. I am not having good luck with my ebay items lately!! My tummy hurts :( I am going to go to bed now. I hope tomorrow is better!


1 comment:

Christa said...

they emailed me and asked when I shipped it, I didn't ship it immeditally because I had to wait for them to pay, they were the one that wanted me to change my shipping price, jerks!!