Pizza was begging for me to put a towel in the sink, as soon as I did, in she jumped! |
Liam and Josie are here again. They spent the night last night so Adam could work on a car. They were very good yesterday, today is another story! This is how Liam sounded this morning:
"Stop looking at me (cry), I'm tired (cry some more), I don't want to take a nap (cry), STOP LOOKING AT ME (cry again)"
It was a very fun morning. After lots of time outs and a quiet time they are finally both napping! Hopefully they nap until Jese gets here, Liam likes playing with him much more than me...maybe it is because Jese plays with him! I must say, I am not the greatest babysitter in the world, after a couple hours my patients disappears when they are crabby! Kipper is also getting on my nerves because is constantly chasing Liam, jumping, and trying to steal their food! Well back to my Amish book!
P.S. I still like my hair so far!