Hello again! Well it is almost that time again, this weekend I will be sitting out on a deer stand freezing my butt off! I will be wondering why oh why do I think it is fun to freeze to death, and then it will happen. My heart will start pounding, my hands will get sweaty, I'll be shaking all over, and then there is the shot. I pull up my gun and I'm steady as a rock, BANG! Down falls the 30-point buck that laughed and beat up my fathers buck!! All of a sudden I start shaking all over again, only worse now, I pick up my phone and call dad and let him know I shot just a little one! Then I will wait on my stand for about 15 minutes waiting to see if he will get up again because I don't want him to stab me with one of his monstorus antlers. Finally, its been 15 minutes and he hasn't even twitched. I slowly get off my stand, go get Jese so he can take a picture. And then the blood fest really begins, I have to clean out his insides! Finally about 30 minutes later I manage to finish that! I clean up my hands with the freashly fallen snow, Jese and I both make our way back to our stands. And then I am sitting there, once again freezing my butt off and wondering why oh why do I like sitting outside in the 10 degree weather, and then I will look down at my 30-point buck and remeber, oh yeah, thats why! Once it is dark out I will collect my money for the first deer and I will gladly do the dishes!
The Deer Slayer