Pizza is my naughty child and goes on the table when she thinks nobody is watching, or if she feels we have been ignoring her, I caught her in the act today though!
Hello! Today I wanted to garden so I decided that it would be a good day to dig up all of my potatoes!! It may have been a little early to do it but I didn't care! Jese helped me do it too, we got an ice cream bucket full, they could have been a little bit bigger but they will still be good! I also picked all of my onions, no idea what I will do with those! Jese picked all of the jalapeno peppers and I hung them up to dry, I like them hanging in my kitchen so I hope they take a long time to dry!! Right now the neighbors have someone tearing up their front yard, I wonder what they are going to do with it, mom thinks they might have septic problems, I will be a nosy neighbor and keep an eye on it!
I think Jese must be psychic because yesterday he finally fixed the garage door so we can park in it again and today it just hailed out, perfect timing! Now it can hail all it wants since my car is in the garage where it belongs! On Thursday we are going to clean the garage and hang up the cupboards Mom and Rick gave us. Okay I think I am going to go make Rochester cookies now (yes I am making them again, they are so good!)
Oh yes, good news, this year I don't have to spend any of my birthday by myself, Jese will be home half the day and then Mom, Amy, Cassie and I are going to go see Richard Marx!!
oh yes again, my great deal of the day was 3 shirts from Victoria's Secret for only $1.97, what a good deal! I had another $10 birthday gift card and today they have free shipping!!