Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

All Snuggled Up!

Pizza found all the blankets I washed yesterday and made herself a bed, so much for them being clean!
Pizza and Oreo knocked down a bunch of stuff in the closet to make themselves a cozy bed!
Jese all ready to go bear hunting! He is wearing my cameo pants from when I was a kid, I am pretty sure they were dads! 

Hello! It is so cold in the house, I love it! Yesterday Pizza and Kipper wanted to snuggle with me all day but I wouldn't let them since I was busy doing laundry all day. When I sat on the floor to fold the laundry Oreo had to sit in my lap! Last night it was so windy out one of our screens fell out!! Thankfully no cats jumped out this time. This morning I made Hearty Pot Roast for supper, it is cooking in the crock pot right now. Then Jese and I made rochester cookies, they are yummy!! I am pretty sure I will eat them all today! Amy came up to get season 2 of true blood, she didn't stay very long though because she had to get ready for work. This afternoon I am going to make Jese a raspberry cheesecake, hopefully it is good. Okay well that's it for today.


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