Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Throwback Blues

Oreo and Pizza about to cause trouble I am sure!

Hello! I have the Pepsi Throwback blues today. I know I said I was going to quit drinking pop a few weeks ago but guess what, that just didn't happen! Well yesterday was day 1 of no throwback for me, I got a monster headache last night. Today I haven't gotten one yet but I am super tired. Yesterday I picked lots of green peppers and froze them so I can use them in meals this winter. Tonight Glee starts!! I am so excited, I wish it was on at 9:00 though because biggest loser is on at the same time :( I will just have to watch biggest loser online I guess. I am supposed to make spaghetti for supper tonight but I think I will just eat popcorn instead. Okay that is all I have the energy to type up for today!


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