Baby W-R Countdown

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Will someone come move our stairs!!

Living Room rearranged

Living room rearranged

Living room rearranged
Hello! Today I got the rearranged bug. Problem is, we can't rearrange our living room very much because it is so retarded shaped because of the stairs. So I decided to take one of the couches out! We tried and tried to get it back into the study (where it first was) but we are retarded and just ended up tearing up some trim and the wall! So then I decided to put it in the room between the two bedrooms upstairs, once it was up there we discovered it was to long for that room, so now it is in the spare bedroom upstairs! The couch in the living room is super close to the tv but I don't care because I like the decorations by the windows, plus I want to put the Christmas tree in front of the window this year. 
This morning Jese and I went to a pumpkin patch to get corn stalks, the first one we went to had a big Pro Life poster in their yard so I did a U-turn and went to another patch on the other end of town! The lady there was super nice, because of the rain they were 2 days behind on opening! We were her first customers for the season! She also has a corn maze, it was a little wet for that though. 
Last night Pizza, Oreo, and Kipper all decided it would be fun to snuggle with me while I tried to sleep. It didn't go over so well with me however because I couldn't move at all!! I finally got the cats to leave around 7:00 this morning, they must have been cold!
Okay well I am going to take a short sitting break and then continue cleaning!


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