Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas is over, the snow can go away now!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
my tummy hurts :(
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Are you a Queen??"
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Only 2 days left!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Only 1 week!!!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Hello Hello!!!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Bachlorette Party!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
New Hair!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I can see the light!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
The end of semesters suck balls!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Our thanksgiving day meal!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Stupid Car...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
What Jacket should I wear, winter or fall??
Friday, November 09, 2007
Tip of the Day:
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Deer Hunt 2007
Well we made it!! We got to the cabin around 1:30 on Thursday night without getting lost a single time!! Woohoo!! Once we got up here we chatted with everyone for about an hour then went to bed! Today we got up around 9:00 and laid around for about an hour then Jese, Dad, and I went out to my stand to make sure it was ready for me! It is just like it used to be before it was torn down! After that we went back the cabin and picked up Cassie, Amy, and Liam and we went out to Jese, Dad, Nick, and Adam’s stands. Hopefully Jese doesn’t get lost tomorrow, he has to go out all by himself, so do I but I know the way out! Liam loved the ride on the 4-wheeler!! Papa carried him in the woods the whole time!! When we got to stands we put Liam on the ground and took pictures of him! Once we finished doing the stands we went back to the cabin and ate some sandwiches, yummy!! Jese and I had to go to the store to get our license because we didn’t get them yet! We spent $67!!! We also got some flashlights and headphones! When we got back the cabin we ate some steak and potatoes, it was yummy! Then we packed up our bags for tomorrow and now some people are playing cards. Amy, Cassie, and Liam already left to go back to the resort because that is where they are staying. Well that is it for tonight!!

Saturday November 3, 2007
Today we all got up nice and early to out on the deer stands! I went to sleep almost right away, opps!! I only saw one deer the whole day and couldn’t get a shot at it :( I didn’t see very many birds and only one squirrel! I did see a mouse all day long though; it made me think of my little Brownie whom is no longer with us. Poor, poor Brownie! Jese didn’t see any deer!! Papa got a very nice 10 pointer; I didn’t get a picture of it though. He also saw a wolf!! I think there were 9 or 10 deer killed today and most of them were big bucks.

Sunday November 4, 2007
Today I went out to my stand and didn’t see anything in the morning and Papa was seeing a bunch at his stand so he came and picked me up at 11:00 and brought me to his stand so I could get a deer! Around 1 or 2 I saw a nice doe and a huge buck but couldn’t get a shot at either one of them I wasn’t very happy :( I heard them getting friendly in the distance, or at least the leaves got really load where they went!! About 30-40 minutes later I saw one of them again and then it disappeared then around 3:15 I saw the doe about 100+ yards away and so I thought I am not waiting for that stupid buck I don’t have time to!! So as soon as I could get a shot I killed her on the spot, and then I saw the buck again! I couldn’t get a shot at him though he was even further back and kept running off and coming back to find the doe, he wasn’t very happy with me!! I eventually ran off when Adam came because he heard me shoot! We went down the deer and Adam gutted it and dragged it out for me because he is such a nice brother-in-law!! While he was dragging it out I got a message that Jese got a doe and scared a buck too!!! We were all very excited for him; it was his first deer since his first one 8 years ago!! When we got back to camp there was no super left and I was STARVING but we left around 8:00 and stopped at the Max store for some chips because there oven wasn’t working so they didn’t have any pizza or anything to eat! It was snowing/raining out until Floodwood which is where I pulled over for Jese to wake up and drive because I don’t like driving at night! We got home around 1:30 so we made very good time! Then Jese took and shower and we went straight to bed so Jese could get up on Monday for school, haha sucker!!!

As of today there are like 15+ deer killed sweet dude!!
I am waiting for my class to start and I am starving!! I am going tanning after class so I can be a bronze beauty!! Tata!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Deer Time!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Nothing new...

Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New bedspread!!!!!! (updated!!)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Poor Poor Brownie
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Mid-college crisis over!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sorry Cassie no running picture, just this!!
Hello again!! Well this weekend of work was not to bad!! Friday I worked until 8:00, then when I got home I made myself Salmon patties and noodles, Jese worked till 11 so I put in Peter Pan to watch and fell asleep before it started! On Saturday I got to work at 9:00 and was supposed to work till 5, but got sent home at 2 because it was so dead!! So then I rearranged and got a stand for one of the fish tanks so it was off of the desk so now we can actually use the desk!! When I was at wal mart getting the stand I saw a guy sitting in the middle of the furniture aisle cross stitching, right in the middle of walmart!!! there were workers stocking shelfs around him not saying anything!! I thought it was quite humerous!! Today I got to work at 11:00 and got sent home at 1:00 because by then there had been a total of 10 people that came in!!! So it wasn't a busy weekend, good thing Jese had the drywall job this month because my check will be super small! Today I hung up a curtian in the kitchen, I had to get the stupid blinds because unlike the walmart in waseca, there were no cheap good curtians :-( I did have some nice ones but I had to return them because they were about 5" to small!!! Papa finally came to see me today :-) I made him pizza bugers, they were yummy!! He liked my apartment and said that my place was WAY better than Cassie and Amy's houses!!!! It is 1 week until my birthday today, yeepee!! Jese said that he would get me my steve madden hooker boots that I want!!!! I need new ones because my old black ones are about 4 years old and very wore out from all that walkin!! After I watched depserate housewives I did homework so I don't have as much to do tomorrow before work because I want to make some halloween sugar cookies, yummy!! After work I have a group meeting I have to go to :-( I don't want to go to it but it is for one of my classes so I guess I better, at least this year I didn't get stuck as the group leader like normal! Well I am going to go now I want to play a little bit of the sims before Jese gets home!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Fine Fine I will update!!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
A Busy Busy Fall!!
Christa W.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Baking for the Day
Today I made biscuts and silver white cake with strawberry filling!! The biscuts were really good!!! The cake was good too but I didn't have enough eggs to make the frosting so I had to use the pre-made frosting that I had left over from the last cake I made, and there wasn't enough. The cake would have been better with buttercream frosting, I will make it next time! Okay well my fajitas are probably done now so bye!!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Nothing new...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A Change in Plans
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
chocolate-almond cookie torte
1 test down, 3 more to go!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Back for another week of school!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
89 days!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Another weekend flies by!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Another boring day!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
School Sucks!!!!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Fall time!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 07, 2007
Be nice in Winona or you'll find poop on your car!!!
Truck dumps load: Possible manure spill leaves road slippery when ‘wet’
By Kevin Behr Winona Daily News
There are so many ways to begin a story like this, but few are suitable for print.On Thursday afternoon, passersby on Main Street were greeted with an interesting and an unpleasant sight.A brown slimy substance that looked (and smelled) an awful lot like manure was spilled in the southbound lane of Main Street from downtown to the Winona State University campus. Cars parked along the street for about 10 blocks were splattered with the stuff.Winona Police officer Ryan Walski said his department got the call about 2:45 p.m. that a truck carrying “something” spilled its contents all along the road.“We don’t know what it is,” he said. “But we got a mess.”Police were working to track down the offending truck. As of Thursday afternoon, they didn’t know what kind of truck it was, where it came from, what company it belonged to or what it was carrying, said Winona Police Sgt. Eric Engrav. He said the substance appeared to be ground-up agricultural waste products possibly from poultry.Engrav said the material looked and smelled similar to the material dropped in another spill earlier this summer on Mankato Avenue. The police department is checking to see if the two spills are related.The fire department helped block off the intersection of Main and Broadway and began the initial cleanup at about 3 p.m. Captain Kim Bartleson said the road would have to be flushed and swept to thoroughly clear off the slick substance.To avoid creating a possibly hazardous situation, the material won’t be hosed off, Engrav said. He said sand was laid down to soak up the goo so it could be swept away.Even with the sand in place, the southbound lane was slick as black ice, and the danger was as invisible. Walski said three car accidents occurred there before traffic could be diverted away from the mess.The only evidence of those crashes was a crumpled license plate covered in refuse lying near the intersection of Main and Broadway Streets.Many people drove through the spill, spraying parked cars and giving them new, brown polka-dot paintjobs. There will be a lot of angry people returning to their vehicles, Bartelson said.“This stuff is hard on paint,” he said. “It’s pretty nasty at this point.”One person returned to his black pickup truck with a look of confusion and disbelief on his face.But a red Jeep parked near Broadway Street probably got the worst of it. It had a soft top and no window on the driver’s side. The driver’s seat was splashed and the dashboard and steering wheel were caked with the stuff.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
Homework Finished!!!
oh yeah if anyone has some good book send them my way, i need something besides school books to read!!!
Just an article on hunting that was in the winona paper, it isn't to exciting but I thought I would share it!!!
By The Associated Press
Hunters remain a powerful force in U.S. society, as evidenced by the candidates who routinely pay them homage, but their ranks are shrinking dramatically and wildlife agencies worry increasingly about the loss of sorely needed license-fee revenue.New figures from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service show that the number of hunters 16 and older declined by 10 percent between 1996 and 2006 — from 14 million to about 12.5 million. The drop was most acute in New England, the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific states, which lost 400,000 hunters in that span.The primary reasons, experts say, are the loss of hunting land to urbanization plus a perception by many families that they can’t afford the time or costs that hunting entails.“To recruit new hunters, it takes hunting families,” said Gregg Patterson of Ducks Unlimited. “I was introduced to it by my father, he was introduced to it by his father. When you have boys and girls without a hunter in the household, it’s tough to give them the experience.”Some animal-welfare activists welcome the trend, noting that it coincides with a 13 percent increase in wildlife watching since 1996. But hunters and state wildlife agencies, as they prepare for the fall hunting season, say the drop is worrisome.“It’s hunters who are the most willing to give their own dollar for wildlife conservation,” Patterson said.Compounding the problem, the number of Americans who fish also has dropped sharply — down 15 percent, from 35.2 million in 1996 to 30 million in 2006, according to the latest version of a national survey that the Fish and Wildlife Service conducts every five years.Of the 50 state wildlife agencies, most rely on hunting and fishing license fees for the bulk of their revenue, and only a handful receive significant infusions from their state’s general fund.“They’re trying to take care of all wildlife and all habitats on a shoestring budget,” said Rachel Brittin of the Washington-based Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.In New Hampshire, only multiple fee increases — which produced numerous complaints — have enabled the Fish and Game Department to keep revenues robust. Its ranks of registered hunters has dropped from 83,292 in 1996 to 61,076 last year, according to department spokeswoman Judy Stokes.“We hear concerns about land access,” Stokes said. “People grew up hunting — you went out with your family, your uncle. And now you go back, and there’s a shopping plaza or a housing development. Some of your favorite places just aren’t available anymore.”National hunting expert Mark Damian Duda, executive director of Virginia-based research firm Responsive Management, says America’s increasingly urban and suburban culture makes it less friendly toward the pastime.“You don’t just get up and go hunting one day — your father or father-type figure has to have hunted,” Duda said. “In a rural environment, where your friends and family hunt, you feel comfortable with guns, you feel comfortable with killing an animal.”Indeed, hunting remains vibrant in many rural states — 19 percent of residents 16 and older hunted last year in Montana and 17 percent in North Dakota, compared with 1 percent in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Nationally, 5 percent of the 16-and-over population hunted in 2006, down from 7 percent in 1996.As their ranks dwindle, hunters are far from unified. The often big-spending, wide-traveling trophy hunters of Safari Club International, for example, have different priorities from duck hunters frequenting close-to-home wetlands.One rift involves hunters disenchanted with the National Rifle Association, which runs major hunting programs and lobbies vigorously against gun control. A Maryland hunter, Ray Schoenke, has formed a new group, the American Hunters and Shooters Association, primarily as a home for hunters who would support some restrictions on gun and ammunition sales.“The NRA’s extreme positions have hurt the hunting movement,” Schoenke said. “Soccer moms now believe hunters have made things more dangerous.”Political support for hunting remains strong, though, with several states recently enshrining the right to hunt and fish in their constitutions.Last month, President Bush ordered all federal agencies that manage public lands to look for more room for hunting. In the 2004 presidential campaign, both Bush and Democratic rival John Kerry courted hunters’ and gun owners’ votes. A camouflage-jacketed Kerry even toted a shotgun during a goose hunt.Among the 2008 candidates, Democrat Bill Richardson aired a TV ad showing him hunting, while Republican Mitt Romney was derided for calling himself a lifelong hunter even though he never had state hunting licenses.Public support for hunting also is high, in part because huge deer populations have become a nuisance in many areas. Duda’s surveys indicate less than 25 percent of Americans oppose hunting, although groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals denounce it as cruel.Most major animal-welfare and conservation groups don’t campaign to end hunting, but some lobby against specific practices such as bear hunting or “canned” hunts in which game is confined in fenced areas and shot by hunters who pay large sums for the opportunity.“As a matter of principle, we should not condone the killing of any animal in the interest of sport,” said Andrew Page of the Humane Society of the United States. “But as a matter of pragmatism, we target those practices that even hunters would agree are egregious.”The Humane Society welcomed the new federal data showing a surging number of birdwatchers, wildlife photographers and other wildlife watchers. They increased from 62.8 million in 1996 to 71.1 million in 2006, spending $45 billion on their activities compared to $75 billion spent by hunters and anglers.“The American attitude regarding wildlife is changing,” Page said. “I suspect the day will come when a presidential candidate goes to a local humane society to adopt a homeless animal, rather than go the field and pose as hunter with a gun.”However, hunting groups and state wildlife agencies are striving to reverse the decline by recruiting new hunters. Vermont’s Game and Wildlife Department, for example, sponsors thrice-annual youth hunting weekends, offers low-cost youth licenses and teaches firearms safety and outdoor skills each summer at youth conservation camps.Another initiative is Families Afield, sponsored by three national hunting groups; it aims to ease state restrictions on youth hunting. At least 12 states have obliged, enabling thousands of youths to sample hunting before taking required hunter education courses.Other programs seek to attract more women, though few promote racial diversity. More than 90 percent of U.S. hunters are male; roughly 96 percent are white.Rob Sexton, a vice president of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, said one upside of the shrinking numbers is that hunting groups are more motivated to seek remedies, such as access to more land and less burdensome regulations.“There are still a lot of us,” he said. “Hunting is a great passion for our people.”
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A new school year is started
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Last free day
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
A preliminary “windshield” survey by the American Red Cross identified about 4,200 homes affected by the flood-Winona Daily News
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
More pictures
Well that is all I know for today!!