Hello! Today is my last day of classes, yea!!! I guess it is time to enter the real world :( I put my resume on careerbuilders.com and I guess insurance agencies like me because I have talked to two of them so far and I also have talked with Wells Fargo. I am going to interview with an insurance agency in Owatonna next week just for the experience but I probably won't end up taking the job since it has nothing to do with accounting at all! I just talked to someone from an insurance agency in Faribault also, she called at 9 AM!! Good thing I just got up a little bit ago! I wonder if she could hear Oreo when I was talking to her, Oreo was following me around meowing!! Now she is laying on me. Okay I have to do my homework that is due today and study for the final I have today and pack, pack, pack!! Later gators!
Dad I looked at that website you told me and I didn't find anything that had to do with accounting either :(
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Almost There!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009
New Apartment!!
Jese found us new apartment today in Waterville! It is a 2 bedroom for only $550! They just repainted the whole place and re-did the kitchen! I hope I like it! The only bad part about it is the parking. Right now it is off street parking but they want to tear down a shed and put in a driveway so hopefully they do that. I think we will like it. Jese only signed a 6-month lease just in case we don't like it though. This weekend we are going to pack up everything and move on out! So anyone who wants to help is more than welcome to lend a helping hand! Really we probably won't need much more than a truck and trailer and we already got that covered! Jese is bringing me boxes today so I can pack everything thing up this week. He is going to start moving all of his stuff from Waseca to there on Friday if everything is ready for us, hopefully it is! The big move will be on Sunday though, that is when Rick is coming down with his truck-n-trailer so we can load up all of the furniture! Okay I have to pee and Jese is almost here so to-dul-do!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I'm back home...
Hello! Well I managed to miss almost all of the rain on my drive back to Winona today! Good thing too because I don't know if my windshield wiper would have held up, I had to stop in Owatonna to fix it because it was falling off!!! After this weekend I decided I didn't want to live in Amy's basement, so now the search is on! We are looking for a different place to live now. Jese called a place in Waterville and is waiting to hear back from them. I have lots of homework to get done today, I'm not looking forward to it. I also have lots of cleaning and my laundry to get done sometime today. I hope it rains all day and night, I love the rain!! I wish it would thunder and lightning out too! Okay well I don't really know anything so I am going to get started on my homework!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I am sooo hungry!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It's Another Sunny Day
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm Tired
Hello! Well I just got home from school about half an hour ago (around 8:00) It was another long day. My first class was cancelled so I didn't have class untill 2:00 so that was nice. That class got over at 5:00 and then I went straight to the library to meet with my Strategic Management group. We finished our presentation stuff at 7:30 so it didn't take too long. After that I went to Walmart to get some turkey, bagels, sour cream, and cream cheese. Then I got home ate, did some homework and now here I am!
This morning Oreo torked me off!! She decided that she wanted new food so she spilled all of her food all over the floor!!! I told her I wasn't going to feed her untill so ate up all of the food she spilled, stupid kitty! Last night Pizza woke me up around 1:30 so I could pet her, that is when she likes to be pet! Then I rolled over and Oreo came up to join us and we all went to sleep!
Right now I am watching Twilight, I was going to watch Dancing With The Stars but I needed my computer for my homework so I just threw in this movie. I am sleepy. Okay well I am going to go find a snack to eat now.
This morning Oreo torked me off!! She decided that she wanted new food so she spilled all of her food all over the floor!!! I told her I wasn't going to feed her untill so ate up all of the food she spilled, stupid kitty! Last night Pizza woke me up around 1:30 so I could pet her, that is when she likes to be pet! Then I rolled over and Oreo came up to join us and we all went to sleep!
Right now I am watching Twilight, I was going to watch Dancing With The Stars but I needed my computer for my homework so I just threw in this movie. I am sleepy. Okay well I am going to go find a snack to eat now.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Is it Friday yet?
Hello. I am not looking forward to this week at all, it is a busy one. Well it isn't too busy I just have some big projects I need to get done by Thursday. I have my last presentation on Thursday, my group hasn't really even started yet. I have to have my part done and emailed to everyone by midnight tonight, I haven't started yet. Then we are meeting tomorrow to finish everything. I also have a tax return due on Thursday. I am meeting with someone to work on it today at noon, I was supposed to have it started already but I haven't even looked at it so after I take a shower and eat I will start working on that! I love the end of semesters because that means I am done but I hate them because everything is piled on in a short amount of time. I had lots of fun this weekend! Alicia, Brandon, and Liz came down so we could go bridesmaid dress shopping. Us girls went while Brandon and Jese played video games. We also grilled out and played mexican train dominos. Yesterday Jese left me again :( Now I am home alone again. I don't like it very much, it is very lonely. This morning when I sat up to get up Pizza decided that she wanted to cuddle, she misses Jese just as much as me I think. So I felt bad for her and laid back down for a few minutes so she could cuddle with me! Okay well I am going to go take a shower now!
Friday, April 17, 2009
April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Good morning again! Well I made it through my classes yesterday don't worry! They were really boring yesterday!! I have also made it through the whole week without seeing Jese, he is coming home tonight, yea!!!! He won't get here until later though because after work he has to go back to Waseca and then he will come here. Today is my day off from classes! I am going to go to hyvee to get some steak to grill and the ingrediants for cheesy potatoes and for my cheesecake that is super easy to make! Some of my friends are coming down tomorow and we are going to grill out for supper, even though it will be raining! I plan on sitting outside all day today! I have a bunch of homework to do so I am just going to tie up the kittens outside and sit out there with them doing my homework! I have a stupid tax return due next week, I hate doing those :( He is going to assign us another one right after this one too, jerk! I only have 8 days left of classes and 2 days of finals, yea!!!!! I am ready to be done. This semester I have had a ton of work to do and I am ready to be done with all of it! Okay well I am going to go take a shower and then eat some honey nut cheerios! Have a warm day!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I love this weather!
Hello! Well most of you know what I did yesterday because I talked to you but I will give you the run down yesterday again! In the morning I swept, went grocery shopping, came back and started the laundry, found out that in 30 min. our apt. was going to be shown, dusted and vaccumed super fast, finished the laundry. After that I had my eye dr. appt. it lasted 5 minutes! I walked there to enjoy the wonderful weather!! Once I got back from there I had 1 hr 45 min before my class so I took the kitties outside and cleaned the porch off. After it was clean I read out there, then Pizza found a dead bird under the step so it was time to go in! It was hard to be at class because it was so nice out and I was missing it! Once I got back from class I ate left over pizza from lunch, then I decided that it was time to fold all of the laundry so I hooked up my computer to the tv and watched some of my tv shows while folding the clothes! Then I went to bed after reading for about 20 minutes! Today is my least favorite day, Thursday. I don't like Thursdays because I leave for school at 12:00 and don't get back until 8:00, all though most of the time I leave my last class half way through so I can get home earlier! That is my plan today, we are just watching presentations so I will watch the first one then go home! I got up at 8:00 today so I could enjoy the day before I am stuck in classes all day. Plus I have to do my homework that is due today :) So my plan for this morning is to eat breakfast, do homework, and then do whatever I want until noon! If it warms up a bit more maybe I will go outside, right now it is only 45 degrees, brrr!! It is supposed to get up to 69 today and 70 tomorow, and then rain this weekend. I love thunderstorms so I hope we get one!! Okay well on with my day!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Good Morning!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The weekend!

Hello! Well this weekend was a busy one! On Friday Jese and I got up and packed up the cars. I had to empty out the fish tank so we could move it. The fish were not happy about being in a cooler all day long, but they all lived! Once we had everything all packed up we took it to Waseca. We had both of our cars filled up to the max! My trunk was bunge corded closed because I had the fish tank stand and it couldn't quite fit in the car! After we had everything unloaded in to Jese's new apartment aka, Amy's basement, we went out to eat! On Saturday we went over to dad's. I shoot my bow for the first time in years and I actually did pretty good! I am excited to move back so I can start shooting again! Jese shoot my bow too, he did good also! We ate some delish food, ham and cheesy potatoes (Rita made those), the cheesy potatoes were really good! I tried to go back for seconds but they were all gone! So I stole Jese's! We were going to have a fire but instead we played mexican train dominos all night! I went to bed around 1:00 and Jese did around 2:00!! It was a late night! On Sunday we drove to New Richland for lunch. The food was good there too. The we went back to Faribo to Grandma and Grandpa B.'s for supper! We got to fly kites, it was lots of fun! My kite dive bombed Cassie but she ran away from it! It also hit a few trees, a barn/shed, a bird house, and finally ended up in the pond!! Adam had troubles with his kite also, oh yeah, my kite hit his kite too! Cassie was the kite flying champion, she got hers super high!! It didn't even crash when she reeled it back in!! We stayed there untill 8:00 I think, I don't really remeber, we were playing dominos again! Then Jese and I drove back to Waseca! I came back to Winona yesterday (monday) morning. Jese started his new job yesterday, he thinks it is going to be super easy! He just has three clients to watch, two are scitofrenic (I know I spell good) and the other one I don't remeber what is wrong with him. Last night he got chicken from the Pizza Ranch to eat, lucky duck! I wish I lived with Amy so I got good food like that! I had mac n cheese and a zebra cake for supper. Okay well that is all for today! Have a great sunny day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Easter Weekend!
Hello! Well today we are moving Jese to Waseca :( Yesterday he packed up his car minus the electronics. So today we just have to get the fish tank emptied out and put into my car. Last night we watched the movie Role Models, which I didn't want to see but it ended up being funny! We had tacos for supper, they were really yummy! Our plan for this weekend is to go to Papas on Saturday, and on Sunday go to New Richland and to Faribault, then I will come back to Winona, all by myself don't wanna be ALLL by myself, anymore! That's a song, it just popped into my head! Okay well I don't know anything else, just thought I would update before I leave for the weekend!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
It's almost time
Well Jese is only here for two more days. We are moving all of his stuff Friday afternoon. Then I am going to be super lonely, I hope everyone is ready to talk on their phones with me all the time! This week I have been getting him ready to go. I packed up all of his clothes and shoes. Yesterday we switched the tv's around. I am letting him take the bigger one because the smaller one can be hooked up to my computer so I can watch all of my tv shows on the tv via my computer! We have them both sitting in the living room now and the big one is twice the size of the little one, it looks funny!! Hopefully we can fit everything in our cars. We are also going to bring the fish tank right away because it will be easier to move it now rather than when we are trying to move everything. I have also made meals that freeze good so he will have enough meals for next week to bring to work for lunch. Once we get to Waseca on Friday we will have to go to Hy vee to get him some snacks, milk, and cereal. Now the only left to pack is his bathroom stuff. Oreo is watching the birds right now, she loves them! Last night we watched the day the earth stood still, it was pretty good! Today we should be getting bedtime stories to watch. I made cookies for all the kids down at Jese's work and he brought them to them yesterday. They LOVED them! They couldn't believe I made them from scratch!! One girl asked Jese how many chocolate chips I put in because she figured I didn't put enough in and he told her I put a whole bag in, so then she was happy and ate them! They each got two and then the staff all got one. They were my best batch yet, I baked them perfectly! They were almost my worst batch because when I measured the brown sugar I accidentally used the 1/2 cup instead of the 1 cup, but when I went to measure the flour I saw that the 1 cup was still clean so I added another 1/2 cup and fixed my mistake just in time! Okay well I am going to do some homework now! Have a nice sunny day!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Another Day, Another Race
Hello! Well today was the Fools Five Road Race! I registered online the other day but it somehow got messed up so when we got there, they didn't have our names down!! The money was already taken out of our checking account though so they just had us re-sign up and since it was so windy and cold out Jese talked me into just doing the 1 mile instead! So Papa was the only one that did the full 5 miles, he is tough! It was cold and windy out but it was still fun! It took us forever to start because of all the walkers. We were going to run with Amy and Liam but getting the stroller around all the slow pokes was taking too long so Jese and I ran ahead of Amy and Liam! After the race we went back to Winona so we could put some of Jese's things in Amy's van. We ordered pizza for everyone while Papa took a shower. After we ate they headed out so Papa didn't die from kitty attacks! Don't worry Adam did get to play some video games before they had to go! I just got done taking a shower. Now I am going to read a little bit I think! Have a nice night!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Hello again! I sure hope we don't get any snow. There is a chance we get up to 6 inches in the next two days, I hope we don't! Yesterday I didn't do much, I just enjoyed my day of nothing! I did do some homework and I priced a bunch of clothes for the garage sale at the end of May. And I put a bunch of our sheets and blankets into a tub to store them for when we move to Amy's. Now that we will have a washer and dryer that we don't have to pay $0.75 for each load we can wash our sheets more often instead of getting them all dirty! Jese is getting ready to move into their basement. We are moving him in next Saturday then I will be a lonely old lady with my cats! Yesterday his engine light came on so hopefully their is nothing wrong with his car because we don't really have any money left to fix it seeing as we just spent $800 on it. I guess he will bring it in somewhere next week to get it checked on, oh yeah! Last night we went to the Drive Inn for supper, it was good! Then we went to go rent a movie and we saw that the Drive Inn people forgot to take the number off of my car so we drove back and gave it back to them :) Okay well I am going to go spend some time with my husband before he leaves me. Bye!
Friday, April 03, 2009
600th post, Time for a Confession
I don't like Easter. This will be the fourth year I don't like it. Every Easter I have the same memory and that memory took place four years ago. Four years ago was my freshman year of college and I came home that weekend. The night before Easter I was told that my parents whom I always assumed were great together were splitting up. My world fell apart. Sure you may think that is a bit dramatic but it changed me forever. I don't take thinks lightly, I am a very emotional person as most of you know. I remeber Mom telling me this and I was think are you serious this happens to everyone else not our family, it won't last they'll work it out. A little bit later Dad came home and he didn't say anything, he just went into the bedroom. The next day was Easter, he went up north, we went to Grandma's and acted like everything was okay. Mom didn't stay long. I know some people got used to the whole divorce thing faster than others, but it took me a long time. It altered mine and Jese's relationship. I distinced myself from him, fearful that he would just up and leave me some day. I cried myself to sleep many times. I was at a point where Jese asked me if I wanted to postpone the wedding because I just couldn't deal with our parents. At that point I realized I better get ahold of myself and fast if I didn't want to lose the best thing that happened to me, so I did. Of course it wasn't really fast and I never really got over it, I just learned to deal with it. On TV and in movies when parents get divorced the kids always think it is there fault and you think why would they think that. Well I managed to twist things up into thinking it was partially my fault too, just like all those TV kids. Here is how it went in my mind, I pushed my mom into archery, a sport that the whole family did but her. Well like everyone else she wanted to be the best so she started coming with me to Waseca to get help from Rick. Mom started to go there without me after I left for college to continue to get help. At that time Jese's parents were going through a divorce, so they would talk about it while they were shooting. So I always thought, would she have gotten a divorce if that one wasn't going on a it wasn't put in her head. So in my head, if I hadn't pushed her into archery none of this would have happened. Today I realize that this isn't the reason they got the divorce, it took me awhile to figure it out but I did, Jese and I got married on time and we will live happily ever after, just like we are supposed to. But you see every year around Easter since then I think about the day I was told my parents were seperating, it isn't a happy one. Last year I went to Easter hungover just because I didn't want to be there. I am over the divorce. I am happy Dad is happy with Rita and he will get his happily ever after with her. I am happy Mom is happy. But to me it is still a sad day and I don' like Easter. I will still show up with a smile on my face, but I just thought every one should know what was really behind that smile on Easter weekend.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Just another day!
Hello! I am in class right now, I am not supposed to be using my computer but I am anyways! I just registerd for the Fools Five Race (papa you can register for it on the apple raceberry jam website) Jese and I are going to run it (or attempt to) on Sunday for the second year in a row! My class was supposed to start at 12:30 and right now it is 12:50 and we still haven't started and at 1:20 we get a break! hahaha!!! We never start on time but it is never this late! Okay well I don't know anything! I am in class from 12:30-8:00 today :(
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Can't Sleep Again!!

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