Almost There!!!
Good morning! Today is my last day of Accounting, yea!!!! Tomorrow is my last day of classes, yea!!!! Well really on Monday and Tuesday I have finals but those don't count as classes! Today is going to be a busy day! I have an Auditing case I have to finish, another Tax return to do, and I have to study for the final I have tomorrow! Everything is due tomorrow!! And after I do all of that I also need to pack, pack, pack! Last night I got all of my clothes pack up from the closet and everything from our desk. Now the only things left to pack are, kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff, camping stuff, and decoration (pictures, candles, etc.) and I only have 4 little boxes, one suitcase, on clothes basket, and one bag to pack everything in, oh oh!! I will pack what I can and after Jese moves all of his stuff on Friday he will come down here with the totes he empties and fill those up with the rest of the stuff so it is ready to go! I am excited to move out of here, I am sick of it! Although I will miss the warm weather, it is always warmer here than it is back home. I won't miss the wind though, it get super windy here ALL the time!! Oh oh, Pizza is looking at me like she wants to cuddle and I am about to get up....oh good she walked away! Okay well I am going to go take a shower and then start working on my last homework assignments!!Christa
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