Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Hello again! I sure hope we don't get any snow. There is a chance we get up to 6 inches in the next two days, I hope we don't! Yesterday I didn't do much, I just enjoyed my day of nothing! I did do some homework and I priced a bunch of clothes for the garage sale at the end of May. And I put a bunch of our sheets and blankets into a tub to store them for when we move to Amy's. Now that we will have a washer and dryer that we don't have to pay $0.75 for each load we can wash our sheets more often instead of getting them all dirty! Jese is getting ready to move into their basement. We are moving him in next Saturday then I will be a lonely old lady with my cats! Yesterday his engine light came on so hopefully their is nothing wrong with his car because we don't really have any money left to fix it seeing as we just spent $800 on it. I guess he will bring it in somewhere next week to get it checked on, oh yeah! Last night we went to the Drive Inn for supper, it was good! Then we went to go rent a movie and we saw that the Drive Inn people forgot to take the number off of my car so we drove back and gave it back to them :) Okay well I am going to go spend some time with my husband before he leaves me. Bye!


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