Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Morning!

Good sunny morning everyone! Oreo decided she wanted the window opened this morning and insited I get up at 8:00 so I woke Pizza up to take a picture of her sleeping in the closet! Yesterday it was soo nice out and it is going to be even nicer today, yea! Last night after I got home from school I made myself hamburger helper, it was gross. The I read for a little while and then I watched a movie. After the movie was done I read a little bit more and then went to bed, it was a VERY exciting night! Today I have a lot planned. I have to go to the grocery store because I am out of milk! I also have to vacuum, sweep, dust, some homework, and if I have time I will do the laundry. Oh yes, I am also going to bring the kittens outside while I clean the porch and I have an eye dr. appt. at 12:50, it should only be about 15 minutes long though. I just have to go back to see if my contacts are good enough for me. I have class at 3:00-4:20, I'm not excited for it, I would rather be outside with the kittens but oh well. There are only 9 days left of classes and then two days of finals and then I am finished so I guess I will go if have to! I forgot to say yesterday but Jese has to come back to Winona on the 28th to appear in court about a girl that kicked him at the FCC last year, he isn't happy about it! Okay well I am going to get my day started!

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