It's Another Sunny Day
Good morning! It looks so nice and sunny out today, I wish it wasn't though! I want to to be thunderstormy because I don't feel like doing anything today! When it is icky outside then I don't have to do anything and can just sit on the couch all day but since it is nice out I can't do that because then I feel guilty!! I have lost all motivation. I don't want to do any school work, I don't want to go to school, I just want to be done. It is kind of like the last week of high school, where you know you are going to graduate and don't want to do any more work! Of course I can't do that in college because if I don't do my work than I probably won't graduate! I am ready to be done with all of this. I am sick of living by myself too, the kitties don't talk to me so it gets boring and talking on the phone with Jese isn't the same as him being here. He works this weekend so I still won't see him much. I am going to go to Waseca so I can see him for at least a few hours each night. I think I am going to see if he wants to go to a movie, I haven't been to one since The Dark Knight was in theaters!! We always talk about seeing one but we never do. Okay well I guess I can't put off my homework and chores any longer. Have a nice day!Christa
poor, poor christa
It sucks being apart- I know! But soon it will be over
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