Hello! Well this weekend was a busy one! On Friday Jese and I got up and packed up the cars. I had to empty out the fish tank so we could move it. The fish were not happy about being in a cooler all day long, but they all lived! Once we had everything all packed up we took it to Waseca. We had both of our cars filled up to the max! My trunk was bunge corded closed because I had the fish tank stand and it couldn't quite fit in the car! After we had everything unloaded in to Jese's new apartment aka, Amy's basement, we went out to eat! On Saturday we went over to dad's. I shoot my bow for the first time in years and I actually did pretty good! I am excited to move back so I can start shooting again! Jese shoot my bow too, he did good also! We ate some delish food, ham and cheesy potatoes (Rita made those), the cheesy potatoes were really good! I tried to go back for seconds but they were all gone! So I stole Jese's! We were going to have a fire but instead we played mexican train dominos all night! I went to bed around 1:00 and Jese did around 2:00!! It was a late night! On Sunday we drove to New Richland for lunch. The food was good there too. The we went back to Faribo to Grandma and Grandpa B.'s for supper! We got to fly kites, it was lots of fun! My kite dive bombed Cassie but she ran away from it! It also hit a few trees, a barn/shed, a bird house, and finally ended up in the pond!! Adam had troubles with his kite also, oh yeah, my kite hit his kite too! Cassie was the kite flying champion, she got hers super high!! It didn't even crash when she reeled it back in!! We stayed there untill 8:00 I think, I don't really remeber, we were playing dominos again! Then Jese and I drove back to Waseca! I came back to Winona yesterday (monday) morning. Jese started his new job yesterday, he thinks it is going to be super easy! He just has three clients to watch, two are scitofrenic (I know I spell good) and the other one I don't remeber what is wrong with him. Last night he got chicken from the Pizza Ranch to eat, lucky duck! I wish I lived with Amy so I got good food like that! I had mac n cheese and a zebra cake for supper. Okay well that is all for today! Have a great sunny day!
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