Jese found us new apartment today in Waterville! It is a 2 bedroom for only $550! They just repainted the whole place and re-did the kitchen! I hope I like it! The only bad part about it is the parking. Right now it is off street parking but they want to tear down a shed and put in a driveway so hopefully they do that. I think we will like it. Jese only signed a 6-month lease just in case we don't like it though. This weekend we are going to pack up everything and move on out! So anyone who wants to help is more than welcome to lend a helping hand! Really we probably won't need much more than a truck and trailer and we already got that covered! Jese is bringing me boxes today so I can pack everything thing up this week. He is going to start moving all of his stuff from Waseca to there on Friday if everything is ready for us, hopefully it is! The big move will be on Sunday though, that is when Rick is coming down with his truck-n-trailer so we can load up all of the furniture! Okay I have to pee and Jese is almost here so to-dul-do!
It looks really nice!!
That looks like a really good kind of reminds me of my place in storm it a house?
I think I found the apartment not Jese.......
It is a house Cassie and it is a lot like your place in Storm Lake.
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