Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Damn Pregnancy Hormones!!

So last night was a little embarrassing! The lilies that Jese gave me for Valentines Day were killing me. They had a super strong smell so I tried putting them in the kitchen so I wouldn't smell them so much but even that didn't work. I was getting an awful headache and a sore throat, so last night I broke down. I felt bad and didn't want to tell Jese his flowers were killing me so I was trying to put up with it. Well when he came home last night I started to cry and tell him I was sorry but we had to throw them out because I couldn't handle them any longer!! I know what a loser, crying over throwing out flowers, I just felt so bad, hehe!! I was also mad because I couldn't win stupid tuts tomb and it is really annoying. I am done crying now, don't worry!


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