Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Growing

16 Weeks
(I didn't feel like fixing my hair today, hence the bandana!) 
15 Weeks
 Well my belly is now bigger than my boobs!! I can tell a difference from last week to this week's picture for sure! When we were painting yesterday Jese looked at me and said your belly really has gotten bigger!!! The good news is I have slowed down on gaining weight now that I have been eating better...most of the time! Last night I made Jese and I root beer floats, I haven't had one in years, it was super yummy!! For supper we made soup, I can't remember what it is called but it has chicken meat balls (which was actually turkey because we can't ever find ground chicken) and dumplings, it is so yummy!! I even let Jese put in the carrots and celery this time! The carrots were shredded so I had to eat them and I couldn't even taste them!! After a long weekend of painting I am taking it easy today and just doing the laundry and making oatmeal cookies. Jese and I were going to make the cookies last week but we never got to it.

Good job at making it to state for wrestling Ben!


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