Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Which Pumpkin is better?

Happy Halloween!!!! Last night Jese and I carved pumpkins and roasted their seeds. I discovered I love pumpkin seeds, they taste like popcorn! Jese said he wants to have a contest to see who's pumpkin is better so everyone better vote on one for him! is cold out! Okay everyone have a fun and safe Halloween!!


Saturday, October 30, 2010


Jese painting the basement floor!

Our new study!

Reading chair in the study (I got it at a garage sale for $8!)

Oreo being Jese's supervisor!

Hello! Jese and I have been super busy so far today. Right away this morning, Jese got ready to paint the basement. After he mixed the paint he helped me take apart the desk so we could move it upstairs, it was much easier that way. I moved pretty much everything else up myself because I am so strong! I also had to babysit Pizza because she kept trying to go into the room that Jese was painting, he didn't like that very much! I just fed her treats to keep her upstairs with me. Since we don't have internet hooked up upstairs yet I brought a cord up from the living room so now it is hanging from the stairs, it looks very nice! On Tuesday we will have comcast hook it up for us so we don't have to see any cords. Jese only used about 1/4 of the paint on the basement floor so since you have to use it within 16 hours of being mixed he is outside painting the garage floor so it doesn't go to waste! I am just taking a break right now because I vacuumed upstairs and I decided to vacuum off the kitty window seat (which Jese normally does) and it sent me into an allergy attack! It sure it to bad I like cats so much because they sure are trying to kill me! I tried to vacuum off Pizza but she got mad at me :) Okay well I have to go clean up the old study so tonight when the basement is dry we can move the workout equipment up. Oh yes, I finally gave into Jese and told him if he could find someone to help him carry the upstairs couch to the basement he could take the bedroom tv down there for his video games. He has been wanting to do that since we moved! Whoops, I just locked Jese outside and had to let him in! Time to go.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Hello! We have been having problems with our cable again, grrr!! It is so annoying when I am watching a show and the stupid cable goes out! So we decided to change cable companies to Comcast. Jese said we should just get rid of TV but I said no way because I am always home alone at night and that is what is do! So we compromised, because that is what a good marriage consists of, and we downgraded to just basic cable which is only $14.99. Our internet will be $30, so we will end up saving about $50!! Good thing since student loans are coming up around the corner. 
Last night I didn't feel like watching a movie with Jese so I just started to read my blog from 2008, I looked at the clock when I started and it was 10:00, then all of a sudden I looked again and it was midnight!! I went into a total daze I guess! Last night I made buffalo chicken and butternut squash for supper, it was delicious! I tried one piece of the squash, I thought it kind of tasted like french fries but I still didn't eat it, maybe next time I will. I am pretty much addicted to buffalo chicken, I could have it every day. Dad also stopped by yesterday to show Jese how to fix the snake then he left to go to Cassie's. 
This morning Jese fixed the snake and ran it through the floor drain, he didn't pull up any roots though. When I did the laundry it backed up again but just during the first load. Now the stupid washer keeps dancing around because we can't get it level no matter how hard we try! So every time I start a load I move the washer back to where it belongs. After Jese did his homework and worked out he made eggs and bacon for lunch, yummy! Kipper loves when we have eggs because I always give him my yolks, we are a perfect match! After lunch we went to Ace Hardware to get paint for our basement floor because it is so ugly now that the flooring is gone. Jese is going to paint it on Saturday. It will hopefully look much better and we won't have to have the rugs down. I don't like the rugs down there because they hold to much cat fur and I never bring the vacuum down there to vacuum! Jese just left for school an hour ago, we are both sick of him going to school but it will be worth it in the end, just as long as we can pay the $100,000 student loan debt he is going to rack up! I just got done making chicken noodle soup! I just need to add the noodles in half an hour then it will be ready, yummy! I had to use our last chicken already!! Dad better get more next year so we can get more from him. Hopefully his next batch are ready soon. I moved a piece of corn onto our table on the porch to get the squirrels to come right up to the window because the kittens would love it, so far it hasn't worked! Okay well I am going to go fold some laundry now. Have a nice night!


Oh yes, I decided that I have to see and talk to my family less because when I lived in Winona everyone commented on my blog and nobody does now!! So after deer hunting I am on a family strike :) Of course when I lived in Winona I was on a family strike because nobody visited me!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Attack of the Squirrels!!

Pizza and Oreo have been taking turns all day watching the squirrels!

I guess instead of turning into a crazy cat lady I am turning into a crazy squirrel lady!! At most I have saw 6 squirrels at once on our porch!! They have found the corn there I guess!! They have also ate a pumpkin I had in a tree, jerks!! 


It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

My delicious beef stew I made last week 
A big fish and the only new baby fish we have survive so far
Hello! This morning I woke up to SNOW!! Don't get me wrong, I only like snow on Christmas but I got excited because if it is snowing out that means it almost time for Christmas decorations, music, and celebrations!!! Today it is SO windy out, it is ridiculous! When I went to get groceries I could hardly get my car door open to get out, then when I was trying to load my groceries I had to hold the trunk open!! After I was done loading them I realized I could have just put the groceries in the backseat, whoops! I just got done canning 3 more jars of tomatoes, I am just waiting for them to get done in the canner. Next I plan on cleaning our fridge shelves and then clean the closet in the study because it is slowing becoming a junk closet, and yes I realize you should only have a junk drawer, not closet!! I wish photos didn't take up so much room, that is what is taking up most of the bottom of the closet!! Tomorrow I am going to be brave and tackle our laundry. Last week we put some root killer down the drains, hopefully it works and the floor drain doesn't back up as much, fingers crossed!! Yesterday and Monday I babysat Liam and Josie, they were good but I was crabby! Out of nowhere yesterday Liam started to ask me all about God, so I taught him out to thank God for everything :) He asked me if I thanked God for making my house, he is so cute!! Okay well my tomatoes are going to be done any minute and I don't have time to be sitting around anymore!!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fighting over a grocery bag!!

Pizza in a bag!

Oreo laying on Pizza in a bag!
Hello! Yesterday Jese and I went to the grocery store and I forgot my bags!!! So I had to get paper bags, good thing I only needed 2 for all my groceries. When we got home I gave the bag to Pizza because she LOVES to play in bags. Oreo wouldn't leave her alone and kept going on top of her!! Right now Oreo is laying in her beer box/bed and snoring super loud! I could just hear her over Jese washing off his dishes!! Okay well I don't know anything today.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Party

Grandpa and I

All the October Birthdays!
Hello! Today I went to Faribault to celebrate all the October birthdays! Grandpa will be turning 75 and I will be 24 on Thursday, we are getting old!! It was fun and the cake was delicious! I don't really know anything, I just thought I would put up some pictures.


Saturday, October 16, 2010


Purple Potatoes!!

Pizza could smell the meat thawing out!
Hello! Jese and I just ate some of our purple potatoes we grew this summer. They were yummy, but Jese didn't add enough milk to them when he mashed them. We also made Halloween sugar cookies today, they are super yummy. Kipper wanted to play outside so we played with him out there for awhile. I am doing the laundry right now, we are going to have to get the drain cleared out again because it is backing up to much. Tomorrow I am going to Grandma and Grandpa B.'s house, that should be fun. Well I guess I don't know anything else.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Kipper posing by the pumpkins!

Pizza attacking the bat!

Our house is all decorated for Halloween!
Our house is all ready for Halloween, yeah!!! Next is thanksgiving, and then...CHRISTMAS!!! Today I found that I had enough ripe tomatoes in my basement for 2 more jars of diced tomatoes so I made those, they just got out of the canner! Right now I am watching Jese attempt to make chicken enchiladas, he is having some troubles but not admitting to it!! He is making it right now so then at supper time I can just pop it into the oven, he is nice like that!! I don't really know anything, I just thought I would put some pictures up!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Christmas Season Is Around The Corner!

Kipper moping on the back steps!

Hello! Christmas season is almost here!! I know this because Menards put Christmas stuff in their ad this week and Fleet Farm put out a Christmas Toy ad!! Yeah!!! Yesterday Mother and I finished up our canning for the season. We made some more apple sauce and some apple crisp filling, I even got home at a reasonable time, 7:15!! Today I decided I need a break from being so busy with all the canning we have been doing so I haven't done anything!! Tomorrow I will get back at it and do the laundry and clean the house since I haven't been home to do it. I don't really know much today, I snuggled with the kittens and Kipper for a little while. I brought Kipper's bark collar back from Mother's house because he has been out of control barking and of course today he has only barked at the mailman. He must have known I brought it home even though it was in my purse most of the day! Okay well I think I am going to go make supper now.


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Apples, Apples, Apples!!

Apples ready to be peeled! (photo by Amy)

Mom making pie crust (I was having fun focusing on the apple and making her blurry)

Apple Butter cooking (Photo by Amy)

Apple Pie, yum!

Mom rolling out the dough

Pie crust (Photo by Amy)

Mom teaching Josie and Liam how to roll out pie crust

Josie wearing my shoes!

Pie before the top crust is put on!
Hello! I am so tired!! Weekends are a lot of work!! On Thursday I went down to Waseca to make apple sauce with Amy. We had to drive to Faribault to get apples before we could start, we got a bunch from Grandpa Becker! We didn't get started until 1:30, even though I got there at 10:00! I left around 9:00 because I was way to tired to do it any longer!! Amy continued without me but we still aren't done. On Friday I went down to Waseca again, this time to Mothers to make apple pies. I got there at 9:00 and we started around 10:00. I left there at 8:30 that night, I was super tired again! Today wasn't any less busy. Jese and I biked to the farmer's market. Then we went to the farm for some milk, then to the grocery store for food. We went to Ace Hardware for light bulbs, we got a super good deal. We got florescent high efficient ones for $0.99 each! We got 12 of them because that was the limit. Then we came home and had lunch. After that we finally decided to tackle the mess that was our garage! We put up 3 cupboards, moved a cupboard that was in there and cleaned and organized everything. Jese even swept it out! It looks so nice and clean now, hopefully it stays that way. After that we had a fire to burn some wood and cardboard that we threw out. Then we played ladder ball, Jese killed me! After that we hung up blinds in the spare bedroom finally. Then Jese made supper, he made cauliflower soup and steak, it was very good. I liked the taste of the soup but not the texture. I froze some of it for Jese because he made so much of it! Now I am going to go sit down on the couch and relax and once Jese is done working out we are going to watch a movie. Tomorrow I am going to Dad's to pick pumpkins!!


Sunday, October 03, 2010

Before and After

I was just playing around with editing pictures and thought I would share this one! I gave Jese and I nice white teeth and a nice tan :) I also took away some wrinkles!


Picture Time!

I took some pictures of the Hagre Family today! Here are two of the pictures! Amy will put more up on her blog I assume so you can see them there!

Christa is cold!!


Monster Alge Eater!

One of my flowers from my flower bed!
Good morning!! Thanks goodness Jese and I picked all of our veggies from the garden yesterday since it froze last night! We got enough peppers for me to cut up 3 more bags to freeze! I am going to wrap up all of the green tomatoes up in newspaper and put them in a box so they turn red, then I will can them. I have about 3-4 gallons of those, hopefully I can find enough newspaper and boxes. Yesterday Jese finally brought the wet carpets outside, they were musty smelling so we left them outside last night to air out. He also mowed the grass and read on his hammock. I taught Kipper to play with Jese's ugly hat!! He was trying to take it off of Jese's head, it was quite funny :) Then we went to Target and got a new camera because I want to be able to take nice looking pictures instead of just average ones like everyone else! Then we went up to Neva's for a little while to visit. We went out to eat at Famous Dave's with her and Terrance, it was yummy! When we got home Jese walked around the house taking pictures of everything! He is very excited about our new camera. Today I am going to learn how to use it, I read the manual yesterday so I am ready for it! I am also going to do the laundry now that the workout equipment is all moved so I can get to the washer. Have a wonderful day!
