Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, June 28, 2009

So Long!!

Goodbye everyone!! I will be up north for 15 days, starting tonight!! That is a long trip, it is longer than my honeymoon out west last year!! Amy and I are going up tonight after she wakes up and packs all of her stuff. I am ahead of the game, I packed everything last night, besides the board games, I got those this morning! Link slept all night last night! He didn't whin untill he heard Jese get up to take a shower. So instead of taking a shower he let him out to go potty and then let him run around downstairs while he showered. Once he got downstairs he discovered Link pooped in the kitchen :( He has been doing pretty good. He has even gone to the door a couple of times after he woke up to let us know he had to go outside. He doesn't go very good for me though still. He peed inside today right after I started washing the dishes, jerk! So then I made him sit in his kennel for an hour. I am so proud of the kittens, they are both downstairs! Of course Link is sleeping on the couch so I am not sure if they realize he is still here!! I think Oreo finally got sick of being upstairs because she normally follows me around all morning and Pizza normally sits in the porch all day, that is where she is now!
Yesterday we went to Faribo for Beth's graduation party and we brought Link with us. He did really good with all of the people there, everyone LOVED him!! He even went potty for Jese!! Now we just need to get him used to the leash so we don't have to drag him everywhere!
Okay well I will try to update from The Hill when I am up north! Have a great first half of July while I am gone!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Way to go Jese!!

Pizza is still keeping a close eye!

Puppy still doesn't have a name! Jese wants it to be Thriller. Pizza is brave enough to be downstairs if we bring her down but not Oreo!! Today Puppy went potty inside a couple of times and he doesn't ever want to go outside when we bring him out. He also doesn't like to walk on the leash. I just dragged him everywhere to force him to walk.
Good news, Jese got a new job today! He will be getting paid $4.00 more than he gets now!! Okay well we are watching a movie so bye!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Meet the new addition to our family!!

Pizza is keeping a close eye on things!!
What fun, a toy to eat!!!

Yummy, this toy is good!!

Me and new puppy!
Hello! We got a new puppy today!! He is a dachshund-papillion! He is super cute!! We still haven't named him, so far our options are Thriller (because MJ died today), Sausage (Amy and Liam picked that), or Yahtzee! Oreo doesn't like him at all yet. When I brought him in the house she didn't realize he was alive and as soon as he moved she ran upstairs and hasn't been down since!! Pizza is braver, she is the queen of the house so she has to keep an eye on him!! He chases her and she doesn't like that very much but at least she will come downstairs!! I went to the Depot to eat supper with my friends and when I got home I found him sleeping on my throw pillows because Jese thought that was a good bed for him! So far he has had no accidents in the house, of course he also hasn't peed yet! He did go poop outside though so that is good! We took him for a walk down the block and back, he didn't like it very much because it was dark out. Okay well I am going to help Jese get his kennel ready for tonight!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hello! I am so glad it is cooler out today! Now it just needs to get less humid out then it would be perfect!! Today was a good mail day! We got our new contacts so Jese can quit wearing glasses and I can quit wearing 3 month our contacts!! I also got my acceptance letter from Mankato State! Now I just need to wait for all of my transfer work to get through so I know what I don't have to take! I registered for two classes that I figured I would have to take but that is all I can do for now. I am going to have to make a trip to Mankato so I can declare my major and get everything straighted out so I know what to take! I am excited to start because I always like English type classes, even the ones I took in college. Okay well I have to go put away the dishes and then make Rochester cookies for Jese. Then I am going to fold the laundry, sweep, maybe vacuum, and then job search for the rest of the day! Have a nice day everyone!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It sure is hot out!!!

Hello! Don't worry I am now able to move!! Yesterday I was still a bit sore from my run on Saturday but I had things to do so I couldn't just sit around all day. It was super hot in our apartment and the ac unit that we found in the basement didn't work very good so decided to go get a new one. I looked at Walmart in Waseca but Mother called and told me they were on sale at Fleet Farm so then I drove to Owatonna and they were way cheaper there! So I ended up getting a small one for the bedroom and a medium one for downstairs. It is much nicer in here now. The upstairs is still really warm but that is okay because we just close the bedroom door and then it stays cool enough for at night. After I got those I drove back to Waseca and did my grocery shopping. I did it there because the store is way smaller so I wouldn't have to walk as far because my foot was still cramping up every time I walked!! Once I got home I spent the next few hours installing the ac units, but Jese ended up having to fix them when he got home anyways because I didn't have anything to make them level so the water from them was running back in, oh oh!! Now they are working right!! I bought freezes at the store yesterday and they are still not frozen!! Our fridge is not working very good in this hot weather. Our ice cream is soft and my string cheese is not very cold. Jese is going to call and complain, maybe they will get us a new one that is bigger :) I had to do laundry today, I didn't want to because it heats up the bathroom but I gave in and did because we were both low on clothes! I still have to dry one more load but I am going to wait until tonight when electricity is cheaper :) Okay well on with my day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yea I did it!!

Me, Cassie, and Amy after the race
Me and Mama on the shoreline on Friday

All of us girls on Friday
Well I did it! I ran/walked the 1/2 marathon, yea!!! Now I can't really walk and I am going to have to say good-bye to a toe nail!! I didn't train for the race at all so I am glad I was able to finish it. I ran 3 times in March and that was it!!! I finished in 2 hrs 58 min, so just under 3 hours! At the convention I bought new shoes and a new sports bra to wear, good thing I did because my boobs were sore with that good one, I can't image how they would have felt if I wore the sports bra I had! I did have fun though. On Friday we explored Duluth a little bit and we had the spaghetti dinner. Saturday I had to get up at 4AM to run!! The race started at 6:30 but we had to be on the bus at 5:00, that is why we had to get up so early. After the race we hobbled back (mostly it was me hobbling) to the van and went back to the campsite. I took a shower right away because I smelled and was full of salt (from sweating) I felt horrible because I was slightly dehydrated and I was super sore!! After lunch we laid around for awhile then went back to watch a band for a little bit. After that we ate at Grandma's Restaurant. I hardly ate anything because my stomach shrunk to the size of a penny, just kidding, I just didn't eat much! I went to bed super early. This morning we got up and went right away. Mother and I got our tent down and packed up way faster then Cassie, Amy, and Adam because we are pros!! On the way home Mother got pulled over because she went speeding through Lonsdale!! The cop said he clocked her at 41 in a 30 and he paced her at 80 in a 55!! He just gave her a ticket for the 41 in a 30, hahaha!! I thought it was all very funny because she always says that she hasn't gotten a ticket since high school, hahaha, not anymore!! Okay well I am sore from sitting here so I have to move now!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back from up north again!

Enjoying the little bit of nice weather we had on Friday!
Starting up my tan!

Jese went swimming!!

I just put this picture so everyone could see how dark my fake tooth is compared to my real teeth, it looks horiable, I can't wait untill we can afford for me to get new teeth!

Getting Saturdays monster fire ready, note how burned Jese's back and neck is, ouch!!

Sunday nights little fire!

Almost time for bed!
Jese and I had lots of fun up north this weekend! We got up around 9:00 on Thursday night. The mosqutios were horiable because the grass had to be cut. On Friday Jese got up at 5:00 and took one of the Iowa kids out bass fishing, they got 17 fish, most were nice bass. Friday was the worst weather day. It would be sunny for 15 minutes then start down pouring for 10 minutes, it was like that all day! So I read all day and Jese of course fished all day! Dad and Rita got up that night. I visited with them for awhile and then went to bed. On Saturday we slept in, then it was time to tan!! It was so nice out!! There were no clouds the whole day so I sat outside in my swimsuit all day. Jese didn't do much fishing, but he did go swimming a few times! Him and dad cut up the shore line to get it ready for a beach. That night we burned lots of brush and boards, now it is getting ready for a beach!! We also went to the Hill for supper that night. I got a steak, it was yummy! We stayed up pretty late with the fire. On Sunday Jese and Dad got up at 5:00 again to go bass fishing but the batteries for the boats were not working very well so they were only out for a couple of hours and the fish weren't bitting very well either. On Sunday we sat out in the sun all day again. Dad and Rita left in the afternoon so then it was just Jese and I up there. We took the paddle boat out for a few hours and saw lots and lots of fish. Then it was time for supper and then time to fish. The fish weren't bitting good at all so I went back in right away and got everything packed up and ready to go. Then I started a fire and Jese came in from fishing. We played a few games and then went to bed. Monday we slept in until 10:00 then packed everything up and we gone by 11:15!
Today I did the laundry, dishes, and looked for a job for a bit. I didn't find much. Right now I am washing my kitty blanket even though I am supposed to only dry clean it. I hope it doesn't get ruined but I have no choice, it is just too dirty!! I use it every night when I watch tv and I am a messy person and have spilled food and pop on it more than once!!
Right now Jese and I are watching our free cable tv!! Yesterday I reprogramed our tv and found out that we have free cable tv! I am guessing we are getting the neighbors tv, haha!! I love having free tv, it almost makes up for how expensive our internet is! Okay well that is it for today!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A post from January 2004

Jan. 12, 2004
So, here I am, sitting in psychology class. Like most days I am really bored, but at least I have something to do today! Most days I just sit here trying to stay awake. I'm kind of surprised I'm tired today seeing as I stayed up the entire night trying to finish my schizophrenia report, which I had to read a 900 page book for--600 of which I read Sunday night. I am so pumped though because I quit my job on Saturday so this is the last Monday night I have to work for five months! Heck yea! That means no more eating supper at 3:30 pm and starve for the rest of the night. So anyways there is not to much going on in my life in the great 2004. Archer just started a few weeks ago. I head on over to Waseca every week to get some lessons from Rick R. I am getting a bit better but for some reason I cannot get sighted in which really sucks!
Jan. 13, 2004
So I didn't finish this in one day, who cares! Anyways tonight I am heading over to Waseca to go kill some targets (with my bow) I don't feel like driving all the way over there but oh well! So in the big ol' '09 I'll be reading this again huh! I'm sure that'll be neat. Hopefully I'll be sitting (or standing, whichever) in a nice couch out in Montana on my ranch with my husband who knows how to play cribbage, has a Ford Mustang, blue eyes, hunts, and takes me fishing! If I'm not, well say screw the other guy and go find the right true love of my life! Ha what a joke, like that'll ever happen. I highly doubt I will find the all time perfect guy (that likes me in return) in only five years. Well anyways as they said in the 70's,
Christa A. Wadekamper

Oh yeah if I haven't yet, get a boob reduction, guys like them a tad too much and they'll just be saggy in a few years!

So yesterday when Papa came over with my washer he also brought me this letter that I wrote to myself in Intro to Psych. in 2004 and the teacher just mailed to me. I wasn't a loser, she had the whole class do it, she did it every year. Don't worry I wrote it before I started dating Jese so I didn't know I would have to leave him to go find my true love in Montana!! Anyways, Jese has most of the qualities I was looking for, he has blue eyes, knows how to play cribbage, he hunts, and he takes me fishing! So he just has to get on the Ford Mustang and get me ranch in Montana and he will be the guy of my dreams!! I thought my letter was funny so I shared it with everyone, hope you got a laugh out of it too!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Well this is just great...

Me and Mama at the hospital, note I am not white as a ghost!!

Hello! Well today was not a good day, not a good day at all. I got a job :( and even worse, any every day person can get my same job. I am now getting paid less than I was in college even!! What is my new job you ask.....I am the newest cashier at Target, yes that's right, go get your accounting degree today folks and you will get the greatest job in the world!! On a better note, I did apply to MSU-Mankato just a little bit ago to go back for my degree in English so then I can be a teacher and then I will go back again for Library stuff and become a librarian!! I know I am going to be in college for the rest of my life! I am just going to go part-time so I can still work lots and lots to save for a house. So tomorrow since I had to get a job I have to drive to Owatonna and take a drug test and then go to Faribo so I can request my transcripts from South Central. After that my plan is to make some cookies and then sit around all day, unless mama needs a ride home from the hospital than I will go pick her up :) Okay well I am cold so I am going to go downstairs and sit on the couch for the rest of the night!


Friday, June 05, 2009

Hey there little kitty!

This morning Jese and I thought Pizza was dying because of the noise she was making! We both rushed to her and found that she just found a new friend on the roof, it was another kitty! So I closed the window and went back to sleep. Well it appears the kitty to a liking to Pizza and Oreo and decided to tourter them all day by sitting outside of the window seat. I saw it climb a tree and jump after a really annoying bird but sadly it missed it. The bird never shuts up so I am hoping kitty will kill it soon! I tried to get close to it but it ran away :( I think if it keeps hanging around it will let me come up to it, it doesn't seem too afraid of me. I talked to it through the window and told it to kill the annoying bird. I guess I should get some friends so I don't spend my day talking to stray kittens! I hope it comes back tomorrow so I can befriend it! My day of doing whatever I want didn't go as planned. It took me way longer than I thought it would to dust, sweep, and vacuum, I hate wood floors! Even though my allergies are way better with them, they sure do get dusty!! Also I hate sweeping, it is my least favorite chore, vacuuming is way better! Okay well I just wanted to give you an update on my new kitty friend!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

A much more productive day!

Hello! Today I got lots more done than yesterday!! Yesterday I played the Sims 3 all day!! Today I decided I better get some stuff done or Jese might kick me out. In the morning I took it easy. I finally did the laundry today, I only had $8.50 in quarters though so I couldn't get everything done. I still have our comforter, sheets, towels, and sweatshirts left to do. Once I finished that I reorganized mine and Jese's dressers. We need to get a pole in my closet so we can hang up all of Jese's button-up shirts. Right now all of my dresses and some of Jese's shirts are in the hall closet!! After I did that I hung up and fixed the curtains upstairs. The landlords finally got our screens and storm windows put on the last two windows upstairs so we can finally have those windows open, yea! I also partially cleaned the bathroom today, it looks much better! I took the faucet handles of the sink to clean them off better, they were disgusting, I don't think the last person that lived here cleaned the bathroom a single time, the toilet was disgusting also but I have it all cleaned up nice! I also did the dishes and organized the basement a bit more. I also finally gave in and applied to Target, lets see if I can get a call back from them! Tomorrow all I have to do is dust, sweep, and vacuum and then I can play Sims 3 the rest of the day!! Okay well that is all I know for now!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sorry no pictures today :)

Hello! Well Jese and I had lots of fun on our one night camping trip. The weather was really nice and it only rained for a little bit Sunday night but not enough to force us inside. We left around noon on Monday because Jese had some errands he had to do. We also brought Liam to the park on Monday just for fun! Yesterday I went up to Cassie's with Amy, Mom, Liam, and Josie. We did some shopping (not me just everyone else) and then we went to the swimming pool. I had lots of fun! After I got back home I drove to Owatonna to go to Target and get Jese and video game he has been wanting and Sims 3 for me, it just came out yesterday! I ended up staying up untill 2:00 AM playing it! I like it alot, it is different from the old versions so it is taking some time to get used to but it is much better! Now I don't want to do my cleaning today because I just want to play it all day! I am thinking I will clean the downstairs and then be able to play, it couldn't hurt to put off the laundry for one more day (I have been saying that since Monday night!) Jese worked untill 8:30 last night so he got lots of overtime and he has to go in early on Thursday so that will be some more overtime! His next two checks are going to be very big from holiday pay and from all of the overtime he is doing now. I think he is a workaholic, he did the same thing in Winona all the time too! Oh yes, I am also going to pay all of our bills for the month today so we won't have anything left to pay for this month and we can finally start saving again, yea!!!! Okay well I am going to go downstairs and eat some cereal and then think about doing some cleaning!