Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 08, 2009

Well this is just great...

Me and Mama at the hospital, note I am not white as a ghost!!

Hello! Well today was not a good day, not a good day at all. I got a job :( and even worse, any every day person can get my same job. I am now getting paid less than I was in college even!! What is my new job you ask.....I am the newest cashier at Target, yes that's right, go get your accounting degree today folks and you will get the greatest job in the world!! On a better note, I did apply to MSU-Mankato just a little bit ago to go back for my degree in English so then I can be a teacher and then I will go back again for Library stuff and become a librarian!! I know I am going to be in college for the rest of my life! I am just going to go part-time so I can still work lots and lots to save for a house. So tomorrow since I had to get a job I have to drive to Owatonna and take a drug test and then go to Faribo so I can request my transcripts from South Central. After that my plan is to make some cookies and then sit around all day, unless mama needs a ride home from the hospital than I will go pick her up :) Okay well I am cold so I am going to go downstairs and sit on the couch for the rest of the night!


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