Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hello! I am so glad it is cooler out today! Now it just needs to get less humid out then it would be perfect!! Today was a good mail day! We got our new contacts so Jese can quit wearing glasses and I can quit wearing 3 month our contacts!! I also got my acceptance letter from Mankato State! Now I just need to wait for all of my transfer work to get through so I know what I don't have to take! I registered for two classes that I figured I would have to take but that is all I can do for now. I am going to have to make a trip to Mankato so I can declare my major and get everything straighted out so I know what to take! I am excited to start because I always like English type classes, even the ones I took in college. Okay well I have to go put away the dishes and then make Rochester cookies for Jese. Then I am going to fold the laundry, sweep, maybe vacuum, and then job search for the rest of the day! Have a nice day everyone!

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