Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

NOOOO Not the Cookies!!!

I am so sad. Yesterday I made oatmeal cookies and they are sooo good, unfortunately they gave me awful heartburn that wouldn't go away!! I got it almost right away after I ate the cookies and it didn't go away until after I fell asleep, I even ate lots of Tums! 

The last snow storm left a huge pile of snow on our roof that has turned into ice. Now the ice is flying off of the roof and smashing into the bathroom window and the grill, it is very annoying. Hopefully it melts fast so it quits doing that. Yesterday I didn't finish the laundry so that is what I am doing today, boring!! Amy wanted me to babysit her sick children but I said I was busy, hehehe, there is no way I am going around Waseca and getting sick! Well I guess I don't know much else since I did just update yesterday!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Growing

16 Weeks
(I didn't feel like fixing my hair today, hence the bandana!) 
15 Weeks
 Well my belly is now bigger than my boobs!! I can tell a difference from last week to this week's picture for sure! When we were painting yesterday Jese looked at me and said your belly really has gotten bigger!!! The good news is I have slowed down on gaining weight now that I have been eating better...most of the time! Last night I made Jese and I root beer floats, I haven't had one in years, it was super yummy!! For supper we made soup, I can't remember what it is called but it has chicken meat balls (which was actually turkey because we can't ever find ground chicken) and dumplings, it is so yummy!! I even let Jese put in the carrots and celery this time! The carrots were shredded so I had to eat them and I couldn't even taste them!! After a long weekend of painting I am taking it easy today and just doing the laundry and making oatmeal cookies. Jese and I were going to make the cookies last week but we never got to it.

Good job at making it to state for wrestling Ben!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby W-R's Room: DONE!!

Painting the alphabet
Jese painting the strips
Jese's wall all finished (Pizza was sleeping so I didn't move the kitty tower)
Polka-dot wall all finished
The alphabet and numbers that took me FOREVER to finish
This wall will be done once Baby W-R is here and we will paint their name on it!
 Hello! After 2 1/2 days Jese and I have finished painting the baby room!! It took so long to do the stupid alphabet, I don't know who's stupid idea it was! In case anyone was planning on painting anything fun, I suggest not putting things close to the floor because then you have to lay on the floor to paint them, like the y, z, and 10 I painted!! Jese had all the easy jobs, the hardest thing he had to do was measure out straight lines and I gave him the measurements for that, jerk! The room looks really good and we are happy with how it turned out. Now we just need to sand and paint the dresser and bookshelf. Jese needs to put some shelves up in the closet to because right now there is nothing in there to store clothes! We also need to get the crib and changing table from Amy, then it will be all done!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Painting, Painting, Painting!!

Hello! This will just be a quick update because I am on my lunch break! Jese and I are painting the babies room today. We started it last night and we probably won't finish until tomorrow! The bedding picture is what we are going off of. I have been painting the alphabet on the closet doors, it is taking FOREVER!!! Jese just got done doing the base coat of brown and white. After lunch we need to measure out strips for one of the walls and then he will get started on those. After I finish the closet doors I need to trace circles on another wall and do those!!! Then we will be done!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby W-R's Internet Debut!

Head, hands and feet!

Head (and what appears to be a HUGE belly!)
Hello! I just got home from my doctor appointment! He came in and asked if I wanted to do a quick ultrasound just for fun since there was nobody using it! So of course I said sure so I got to see little Baby W-R! S/he was moving around lots! He measured s/he's head and said it was measuring at 16 weeks, maybe they will move the due date up after my big ultrasound! He asked me if I wanted to know the sex and I said no so he didn't look! Mama isn't to happy about that because she NEEDS to know!!! Other than that it was a pretty uneventful appointment. He said I can take zyrtec again so hopefully I will quit having sneezing attacks every day! I go in on April 1st for my big ultrasound. It was supposed to be the week before that but he is gone on vacation, what a jerk!!
I stopped on my way home and got Kipper a new bone, he was so excited!!! He ran all over the house with it trying to find a hiding spot for it. After he hid it under a chair he decided he would rather chew on it and that is what he is doing now!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

I haven't had a grilled cheese sandwich since I lived at home with Mama! I have been wanting one but I wouldn't make one because they kind of gross me out before they are made. So my lovely husband just made me one for lunch today, he is so nice!! I tried to get Mama to come make me one yesterday but she wouldn't, what a jerk!! Anyways, it was delish! Thanks Jese!!!!


Monday, February 21, 2011

The Dreaded Day Is Here!!

Decorating Alicia's baby shower cake

My babies snuggling together!
I am so sad. Since finding out I was pregnant I have been dreading the day I wouldn't be able to sleep on my stomach anymore. The day is coming very very close. The last couple nights I have been able to sleep on it but it hasn't been very comfortable. Last night I mostly slept on my side. Poor Jese is going to suffer because unless I sleep on my stomach I tend to snore, and it isn't a quiet cute snore! 

Last night Jese made it home from work just to get stuck in the driveway, hehe!! he shoveled himself out though. It only took him about an extra 30 minutes to get home.

This morning I woke up at 6:30 with a HUGE headache. I took some drugs but they aren't working. I have been getting one for the last few days but it always goes away once I take drugs. Hopefully it goes away soon because it is really annoying. Jese is just getting done shoveling. His school closed today because of all of the snow. It is the first time since he has gone there it has been cancelled on a day he actually has class! He still has to go to work though :(


Friday, February 18, 2011


Well the other day while Jese was at work one of his coworkers decided to back into my car. We were just going to get the light fixed because it just looked like there was paint on the bumper, we were wrong! Jese's work wanted an estimate for how much it would cost so Jese just got home from doing that. The estimate is $987.08, just from that little hit!!! I sure am glad they have to pay for it and not us!! I don't know why people have to run into my car when it is parked, they are all a bunch of jerks!


P.S. The picture was taken with Jese's phone, that is why it sucks balls!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Damn Pregnancy Hormones!!

So last night was a little embarrassing! The lilies that Jese gave me for Valentines Day were killing me. They had a super strong smell so I tried putting them in the kitchen so I wouldn't smell them so much but even that didn't work. I was getting an awful headache and a sore throat, so last night I broke down. I felt bad and didn't want to tell Jese his flowers were killing me so I was trying to put up with it. Well when he came home last night I started to cry and tell him I was sorry but we had to throw them out because I couldn't handle them any longer!! I know what a loser, crying over throwing out flowers, I just felt so bad, hehe!! I was also mad because I couldn't win stupid tuts tomb and it is really annoying. I am done crying now, don't worry!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Growing Belly

14 Weeks
Amy wanted me to put up my latest picture so here it is! The good thing about my belly getting big to soon is that it makes my boobs look smaller! The last 2 weeks I didn't eat very good :( now I am eating much better and will hopefully quit gaining too much weight! I am eating apples and string cheese for snacks now and no more pop!!! Oh, I also dressed in normal clothes today AND put on make-up and earrings so I feel much better about myself!
Tomorrow it is supposed to get up to 52 degrees!!! I am so excited, I even told Jese we could go for a walk since it will be so warm! Right now it is 43 degrees out. I think I will take Kipper outside to play in a little bit. Of course he will only play on the path of no snow because he sinks in the snow now! He looks so sad when he tries to walk around and can't because he just falls into the snow, poor little guy!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yummy Spring and Summer Food

Yummy spaghetti with home grown tomatoes and peppers
Yummy lasagna with homegrown tomatoes

Okay so I didn't make this, but I did get it in the summer!

Well these look yummy, to bad I don't like tomatoes!

Yummy fried green tomatoes (these I actually do like!)
Homegrown peppers!
And the canning, oh the canning!! (I am out of almost everything, sadness)

I miss summer foods. I miss going out to my garden and picking the fresh veggies for our meals, or going to the farmer's market and getting stuff for supper. I miss gardening, sitting in the sun, seeing green instead of white. 
I am so sick of winter food, I know it is my fault for making "winter food." All I ever feel like making in the winter are casseroles, soups, and other heavy, Minnesotan foods. So yesterday I decided to go through my cookbooks and find more "springy" food! Of course that means the grocery bill goes up because I am not just using deer and chicken meat, but oh the flavors! Now I just need to get through the rest of this weeks menu so next week I can start on my spring foods!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello! This morning I woke up to a wonderful surprise! Jese unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher and left flowers and a coke for me! What a great guy!! It is even a better day because when I looked outside today I saw the dirt in my garden, yeah!! I am so happy all of the snow is melting, that means it is almost spring! Of course we will still have some cold days but not as cold, there is even rain in the forecast!! Okay well I don't really know anything!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Marriage is all about compromise, today Jese and I practiced it. He has been begging me to play bowling with him on the Xbox, so I told him today if he unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher I would play one game with him. It took him longer to do the dishes than it took for us to play the game, hahaha!!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Liam!!

Josie and Liam watching his new mouse, Fishy!

Watching Fishy and a movie in the basement with Jese!
Pizza won't leave Fishy's side!
 Hello! Last night Amy brought Liam and Josie here to spend the night. They needed someone to watch them today because Mom is in Vegas so there was nobody around to pick them up from day care. Jese and I were instructed by Amy to give Liam a mouse for his birthday! The cage we originally got him had some defect so I couldn't get it put together, stupid thing. Liam was very disappointed so Jese took him to the pet store in town last night to get a different one a to pick out a mouse. He picked out a black and white one and named it Fishy. He keeps saying Fishy his pet whenever he talks about it! I am pretty sure it will only last a month because Liam or Josie will probably let it loose. Last night the cats wanted to eat him so we had to shut him in the bathroom. Now they are taking turns watching over him, just in case he escapes! 
Jese was a very good uncle today and played with Liam and Josie lots and lots. Josie is taking a nap now and Liam is watching a movie. I just went up to check on him and his face was covered in blood, poor little guy got a bloody nose! He didn't really care though, I cleaned him up and he went right back upstairs to watch Peter Pan. 


Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Cats, Dad, and Ice Fishing????

A couple nights ago I had a super weird dream, it involved Pizza, Oreo, Dad, Jese, and ice fishing!! Dad came over and said he wanted to take the cats fishing with him, because he loves cats so much! So Pizza hopped into a book bag and Dad left with her. Shortly after Oreo jumped into a bag and Jese brought her! I guess they had fun ice fishing, that is what I was told anyways. If only Dad actually liked cats in real life and not just in dreams, I guess that is why they are called dreams!


Monday, February 07, 2011

Baby Bump

5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
 Every Sunday morning Jese forces me to take a picture of my belly. We did miss one week though because I didn't want to take my picture. I bet you can tell which week was around Christmas!! As far as I can see around week 9 by boobs grew to porn star size and in the last couple weeks my pants have stopped fitting. I am sure the changes will become more noticeable as the weeks keep coming!


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Oreo goes for a walk!

Today Jese was bringing the recycling out to the garage so I decided to let Oreo and Kipper out to play! Kipper of course kept running in and out (I left the door open in case Oreo got scared, which she does do) Oreo on the other hand had no problem with the snow, she walked all over! Jese followed her so she wouldn't get into in trouble. She went right to the where the birds were so she could eat them, silly kitty!! Jese rescued them and carried Oreo away. She tried to walk in the snow but she was to fat it was to soft and she sank in it! 
I don't really know much today. Yesterday Jese had an interview for an internship, it is his if he wants it. He needs to find out if it will work for the right type of hours he needs still. It is in Burnsville so that would be a much shorter and nicer drive! It was Jese's day to make supper so he made tacos. Right now he is making tuna melts for lunch. Okay well since I don't know anything else I guess that's it!


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Let's Play Pretend!

Hello! I am pretending it is spring. If I just don't look outside and keep the house warm enough maybe I will believe it! Last night I slept awful!! I have a knot or pinched nerve or something in my shoulder and it is making my arm fall asleep all the time!! All day long yesterday my arm would randomly fall asleep and last night no matter how I laid it would wake me up, stupid thing. I also woke up a ton because I was peeing every 20 minutes yesterday, or at least it seemed that often. I have been doing really good and only getting up once or twice a night, not last night, I am pretty sure I got up 50 times. I guess I got up a few time just so I could stretch my arm and wake it up, peeing was just an excuse for that! 
I just started the dishwasher. I got some new stuff for it that is supposed to get the water stains off of the cups and silverware. I have only used it once and it worked pretty good. I think it might be the stuff Cassie told me to get once but I'm not sure. I HAD to wash the dishes because I am making chicken noodle soup today and the pot was dirty. I am also going to have fold the clothes today unless I want to get shot by Jese when he comes home. I just never feel like sitting in the bedroom to fold them, I should quit bringing them up there after I wash them. If I put them in the living room I have to fold them because otherwise I would have to stare at them! I have had a cough and runny nose all morning :( Mama called me and thought I just woke up because my voice was all scratchy from coughing, I had been up for an hour though! Kipper has been sleeping in his kennel at night for just over month now! He knows when Jese is about to go to bed and he will run upstairs and try to hide from him so Jese always has to carry him down. Lately he has been refusing to go in the kennel, even for a treat, so we have to chase him down and put him in it. We finally found a blanket that he won't tear to pieces and make a mess in it, it is Jese's old Superman one, he likes it! Right now he is sleeping under a pillow next to me, he is keeping my leg warm.


P.S. Groundhog, please give us good news today, I can't stand this cold much longer!!!

Good news, I just saw that the groundhog predicted an early spring, yeepee!