Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I want to go camping!!

Hello all!! I wish it was warm enough to go camping because I really want to go!! Well I also just want it to be warm outside, that would be nice!! Last night at work I worked a whole 2 1/2 hours!! I went home at 5:00 because it was soooo dead, nobody was stupid enough to go out in the cold cold wind just to get their hair cut!! Today is my only day off of work untill next tuesday :( I have a test on Friday in Business Law, hopefully I do good! Jese got an A on his History and Systems class which is supposed to be one of the hardest psychology classes! I am hungry :( Don't worry I still have A's in all of my classes, I am so smart! We will see if I still do next Friday, then I will have 3 tests done by then! I have one on tuesday next week in intermediate accounting 2 and one on wednesday in accounting information systems, plus the one this friday in business law! I wish I didn't have my afternoon class today, it is from 3-6, why couldn't the wind/storm wait untill today to come, then it would have been cancelled because yesterday any classes starting at 3 or later were cancelled, mine never are :( I think I am going to make some more rochester cookies today!!! We are all out of juice so I had to make kool aid, I don't like it very much. Jese's weekends got messed up so he doesn't work this weekend and I do, now we will never see each other becasue we work opposite weekends and he is going to Faribo on his weekends off to work. He is going to talk to his manager today to find out if they can switch his weekends back so we can see eachother again! I could have worked today but seeing as it is my only day off and I have class I'm not, the other lady said her brother (or somebody) is getting surgery so she couldn't work but that isn't my problem I work enough!! Well I guess I don't know anything else so have a nice day and stay warm!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008 is cold!!

Hello again! Well today when I got to school I couln't believe what I saw....there was a WSU basketball player parked in handicapped parking and he was walking just fine and I have had classes with him before so I know there isn't anything terriably wrong with him. If you can play basketball you can walk from the road/parking lot and shouldn't have to park in handicap parking. Some people are just mean I guess! So today a bunch of classes are being cancelled because of the weather but of course none of them are my classes! The public/private schools are cancelled today, jerks! Right now it is still 10 degrees but this morning when I got up it was still around 30! It is getting windy out now too, right now the wind is 17 mph, good thing I wore my scarf today so I don't freeze to death!! Hopefully nobody wants to go outside today so I can leave work early!! The only day I have off this week is wednesday :( However that is probably a good thing because on Sunday I am sure it will be super dead and I will get sent home early because of the the super bowl. Brrrr.. I am cold! So far today the high has been 43 degrees and the low has been 10 degrees! I hate winter I wish it would go away!! Yesterday it was so nice because it was nice and warm!! Except for it melted snow and made our parking lot glare ice when it froze again!! If you decide to visit me you better be careful so you don't fall in the parking lot!! Well I don't know anything else so toodle loo!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

3 hours and 92 foils later...

Well it only took 3 hours yesterday to get my hair finished!! We put in 92 foils!!! That is a lot for you boys who read this!! Aren't I very attractive with all of the foils in my hair, I think I am always going to wear my hair with foils in!! Right now I am cooking some turkey bagel sandwiches!! So far today I have done some homework and the laundry! Next I am going to clean the apartment because it is MESSY!! My kittens are eating right now, they are sooo cute, except for Pizza is very hyper today and won't quit running around like a mad kitty!! Jese is coming home today so I won't have to spend another night by myself! Last night I was super bored. I finished watching Sex and The City and I watched the movie I am Reed Fish, it was an okay movie but it seemed to go really slow, but that could have been because I didn't really feel like watching it, but I had nothing else to do so I did! My green shirt that I am wearing in this picture only cost me $3 from Target, I am a bargin shopper!! No shirts over $10 for me!! My next check is going to be big I think! Well maybe not because I went home like 45 minutes early twice, but if our meeting goes for 2 hours today like is supposed to it will make up for it! I have 48 hours on each paycheck! Jese has between 45-50 depending on if works both saturday and sunday because sometimes he only works one. Really he works another 18 hours (for two weeks) but those are for his intership so they don't count because he doesn't get paid for those!! We are VERY busy people!! Besides the 48 hours of work I have 30 hours of classes in 2 weeks, that is 78 hours of school/work plus homework time!! My bagel sandwiches are about done now so I am going to go eat my lunch because I am S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G, starving!!

Later Gators,


Friday, January 25, 2008


Hello!! Well since I haven't gone tanning since November I thought that it would be a good idea to start going agin! On tuesday I went for 15 minutes and didn't get red at all so yesterday I decided to go for 20 minutes and yes I got burned!! Not too bad though, like I can sit down without crying in pain from a burned butt!! My legs hurt the most but that is just because I am being forced to wear pants so they are rubbing on my legs, stupid pants I don't know why I have to wear them anyways!! On Sunday I have a mandatory work meeting and they said that it will last at least two hours!! I said that I didn't care though because I get paid to just sit there and listen to them talk!! Yesterday we got all booked up by 6:30, but that is just because there were only two stylists working and one of them was doing a color so there was only one cutting. I'm hungry! This class is so boring right, he is going over accounting stuff that I learned way back in high school and is super easy, that is why I am only half-way paying attention!! I am still getting A's in all of my classes by the way!! On Wednesday we had two group quizes in my night class and we got 4 points off total but then I did a crossword puzzle for 3 extra credit points so I have only lost 1 point so far in that class, man I am smart!! My business law class is way better this semester, I like this teacher way better! Today we talked about ethics so we had to decided if it was okay to sell cheap wine to homeless people, pretty much the whole class is money greedy and decided that it was okay to sell cheap wine to homeless people!! My group said that they should market college graduates instead so at least we aren't going straight to hell!! Today when I go home I am going to wash a load of work clothes because I have none to wear today, not a good thing!! Good thing I have 2 1/2 hours before I have to go to work after my classes are done! This weekend it is supposed to get up to 35 degrees!! I hope all of the snow melts so I don't have to deal with it at work anymore, it makes the floor very dirty! My neck is itchy because it is burned :( I was going to go tanning again tomorrow but I guess I will wait untill Tuesday to go again! Jese got feeder fish a few days ago and I don't any of them have been eaten yet :( We probably have the only friendly Oscar in the world. Last night we didn't feed him to see if he would eat the fish and he didn't, jerk! I gave in and gave him food today because I wanted the chilid to eat. Well we are going to work on a problem now so I must go!! Have a nice and happy day!

Christa Wadekamper-Rugroden

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just an update in the life of two married college students and the babies!!

Jese is doing homework.....
Oreo is begging to be played with.....
Pizza is sleeping....
and I am watching Sex and the City!!
And that is what is going on in the life of two married college students!!

Man I looked good!!

Hello all!! I don't really know much today! Jese and brought my ring in last night so now I can't wear it until Feb. 4 :( Now I am wearing a ring that is to big on my finger and isn't nearly as nice looking! We got a new light for our fish tank at petsmart last night, we also got 20 feeder fish and a kitty toy. For some reason I thought I would be nice and get Oreo a new wand with pink feathers since hers has no feathers anymore, now I have to vaccum up all of the new feathers scattered everywhere! I wish it was spring, I HATE winter it is too cold and christmas is over so the snow should go away :) I am soooo excited I don't work this weekend and I don't have anything I have to do besides get my hair colored/cut at 10:00 on Saturday. Last night we had KFC for supper, it wasn't very good, I am sick of their chicken but I still love the mashed potatoes!! I was going to make meat balls and gravey today for supper but Jese forgot to get potatoes yesterday when he went to Wally world, I hate that store, I am going to boycot it for at least a day!! Oh yeah, yesterday I went tanning because since my hair color is changing I need to get tan otherwise I will look like a ghost and that would suck!! So far in all of my classes I have 100%, I have only handed in a total of 2 assignments though!! This stupid ring is driving me nuts-o because it keeps turning round and round, maybe I should dig out my class ring, that one is smaller!! Then I would look like a loser because who actually wear those after high school. Pretty much I think it was a waste of money, if I have any daughters I am going to take them to a store and tell them to pick out a nice ring so they can wear it forever, not just 3 years like I did. Too bad people don't keep wearing them because I like the stone in mine! So I don't know if anyone noticed but a Wy-nooooona hockey player hurt a Faribo hockey player, good thing he didn't die because that would make Wy-noooona look really bad! Oh yes, Jamie if you still want to go on for your Master's in Social Work the U of M offers courses in Rochester for it, it says if you go part time it should take 2-3 years, maybe I can get Jese to go there, then I can move back home!! He is looking at Stout and the U of M (in the cities). Well I guess I don't really know anything else so bye!!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 this, it is funny!!!

Stupid Boy!!

Hello again!! Not much is happening in the wintery town of wy-noooona!! This weekend Conor and Timmy came down and visited with jese and I! They stayed up until 4 AM playing games, losers!!! We went out to eat at a chinese place, it was delcious!! I worked Friday-Monday, on Saturday it was super busy, jerks, you would think that since it was cold out people would stay inside!! On Sunday it was busy up until the last 2 hours, that is how it has been during the week. At 6:00 every night it gets really dead, last night I went home 45 minutes early because I didn't want to stay there! When I got home Jese made spagetti and I made rochester cookies because I ate all of the ones I made last week right away!! Next time I make them I will double the reciepe because they are so delicious!! Then Jese went back to work at 10:30 and an hour later I got a call from him saying that he locked his keys in his car while it was running AGAIN!!! I wasn't very happy with him but I found him and let him in his car, dummy!! But to make up for it he brought me some hot cocoa today in between my classes!! Today I want to go to La Crosse because the dummys at Rogers & Holland never send me my bill for Jese's ring so I am going to go there and just pay it all off today. I also have to send my ring in to get sodered! Oh yeah, the other day we played Clue and I beat Jese both times, I am like the best Clue player in the WORLD!!! I gave in and watched 300 the other night, it wasn't that bad but it was just like all the other movies that are about the spartans/titans/whatever else there are!! I decided that if I was born in that time I would want to be a Spartan because they only keep the perfect people and throw the other babies away if there is something wrong with them, so pretty much I would be perfect because there are only perfect people there to breed together which means they would produce perfect babies!! Sweet huh!! I am going to go tanning now so bye!!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jese's new hair cut

Hi again!! Jese came to work last night and got his hair cut, this is what it looks like!! Last night work was pretty steady untill 6, then it got dead so I called Jese and told him to come in and get his hair cut!! Today I only have one class because my other one was cancelled because the prof. has a wedding she has to go to!! Well I don't really know anything today so I won't bore you with the details of my life today!!
Oh and Jamie, I had my hair taken out before new years, after I had to take apart my vaccuum and unclog it from my hair and I decided that I had enough of it so now I am growing my own hair out to that length, hopefully it won't take to long!!

Watching the tow truck!

Hello!! Right now I am watching some cars get towed out of my parking lot because they didn't move their cars this morning!! I didn't either untill 8:30 but that is because nobody else was but then we did because the guy started to snowblow the sidewalk because he was waiting for the tow truck to get here! I love watching cars get towed, it is fun!! I have class in 35 minutes and now I have to leave early so I can walk out to get my car since I just parked it on the road! From now on I am working every other tuesday for more hours because the other lady is getting burned out from working two jobs, that is what she said anyways! My first tuesday I work will be the 29th, I will be busy busy busy!!! Last night I did homework until 9:00!!! However for two hours I did watch tv while doing it, hehe!!! Well I have to go change out of my pj pants so later gators!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back to school :(

Hello!! Well yesterday I started school again, it sucks balls!! This weekend I went to stockton the whole time!! On Saturday night we went to Roch. to go to a comdy club, it was fun!! Except for the opener guy was funnier than the main guy but that is okay! Yesterday my classes weren't to bad, I only had two of them so I don't have long days like I used to! Today I have two classes again, my first one should start any minute now so that is all for now!!


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Woohoo Hillary won New Hampshire!!

Hello!! Well not much has happened this week. I have worked every day since thursday, today is my only day off :( Yesterday morning Jese and I got up early to drive to Faribault and pick up his tools for taping and to close my bank account. Before we left we stopped to get gas and Jese decided to close the gas door but not put the gas cap on so we lost about a 1/4 tank of gas on the way to Faribault, hehe!! Jese got another call last night for taping, this one wasn't even flood damage, it sounds like a really easy job because the guy just hit some corners when he was moving stuff around and he has some cracks that need to be fixed, nothing major but he lives in St Charles so hopefully he can do it while he does the job in Utica because it is a long drive from here, he is going to go look at it tomorrow. Today we are going to go to the bookstore to buy our books :( Oh yeah, just to let everyone know I win!!! My cookie was the one on the left, Jese's was the mushy one on the right, like I would write something like that HAHAHA!!!! Right now I am watching Ellen. I am going to watch tv all day long!! Jese and I are trying to watch all of the episodes of Lost before it starts again, we hooked my computer up to the new tv so we don't have to watch it on the little computer screen!! This weekend I am going to be in Stockton all weekend so if you want to call me to bad because I won't answer because there is now cell phone reception there. Anyways I'm sick of my phone so I'm not calling anyone anyways!! Okay well I guess that is all I know have a nice day everyone!!

Monday, January 07, 2008


Hello! I don't really know anything right now! Jese and I made cookies yesterday, they are very yummy!! Which one do you think is better the big cookie on the right or the big cookie on the left, we are having a contest!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Stupid tv, nothing is on!

Hello again! So nothing new is happening. Today I left work at 6:45 because it was so dead and boring! But is okay because I am going to be working on tuesday for the other receptionist so she can take her CPI exam for her other job. I don't think I told you but at work they changed the receptionist hours, now we get done at 7:30 instead of 8 because it hasn't been busy but I will stay anyways if I want to! Jese got a job in Altura doing some drywall. We have to drive back to Faribault on Tuesday to get his tools out of Dad's garage so he can actually do the job. He said it will only take him 4 days so that is good! He likes his new job at the Family Children Center he can even come home and work if he wants to because part of the night alls he has to do is call all of the kids and he can do that where ever he wants to. Today I tried to take off my fake nails but they wouldn't come off so I jsut cut them as short as I could! Eventually they will grow out! Jese and I got a puzzle today to put together on the card table but after we were almost done with the border we discovered that the puzzle was to long for the table so we had to move it to the kitchen table instead! Well I guess I don't really know anything else and my computer is almost dead so I guess I will go put the dishes away!


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Items for sale!!

Hello!! I just used our brand new pet vaccuum and it is sweet, I love it!! If anyone needs a vaccuum, tv, fish tank, kitchen things let me know because I have a bunch of it that can be sold for cheap!! Otherwise I will sell it all at a garage sale next spring!