Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Morning Grocery run!

On the morning grocery run!
taking a picture of Jese riding almost killed me! I ran into a curb and almost tipped over!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Playing outside!

When I took Josie and Liam outside to play in the sprinkler today, Josie got scared of it and just played in the sandbox instead! More pictures to come later when I am home!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

As promised!

Here are the pictures of Molly's baby shower cakes I promised! The top one is a white velvet cake with a raspberry filling and cream cheese frosting. The bottom one is a tuxedo cake (chocolate cake with whipped frosting and chocolate poured over the top)


Friday, May 21, 2010

Baking and cooking day!

Making a raspberry filling for cake and lasagna at the same time!!
Lasagna ready to go in the oven...
Lasagna ready to be ate!

Today Jese and I made Jamie Oliver lasagna, it was so yummy!! It was easy to make but it took a lot of time! While we were doing that we were also making baby shower cakes, those pictures will be up tomorrow or the next day!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here come the veggies!

The finished vegetable garden! (I took the picture on my phone and didn't realize my finger was in it!) 
The little flower garden (yes that is my finger again!)
Flower boxes on the garage!
Kipper enjoying the sun with me!

Hello! This morning we got going early again. Jese mowed the rest of the lawn right away and then we got started on the gardens! We found out we may have gone a little over board on our veggies because we ran out of room for all of them! I was going to have to small flower beds but I had to change one of them to an onion bed!! I also had to put some onions in a pot :) Our pepper plants are too close together but hopefully they will be fine. Jese had to leave for work early because he had a meeting, but that means he will get done early! After I was done with the gardens I sat outside reading for awhile, then I went to the farm to get milk, then I read outside some more. I just started my laundry and found out our floor drain is acting up again!! It isn't backing up too much, I just tried a small load of clothes and it didn't back up at all so I guess I am just going to have do the clothes in a lot more loads!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

First trip up north for the year!

The finished product, minus the plants!
Liam and the big goose!
The Hagre family, with a random black dog stepping in for Remi!
Kipper on the ride home, he was so tired!

Hello! I went up north this weekend!! It was lots of fun. Amy and I played a ton of games while Jese and Adam fished. Kipper had fun but he was ready to go home because he was stuck tied up outside the whole time! He go bite by something that left a big mark but we don't know what it is, the mark is gone now though. Hopefully he didn't get lime's disease! He is still terrified of the water. Remi had fun playing with him, she would put Kippers entire face in her mouth!! We got home last night are 1:30 AM. 
Today we got up and went to Verizon right away because I wanted to get a new phone. We got two new phones for $0!! Jese got a $50 credit for being a loyal customer and the phones were buy one get one free and since they cost $50, it didn't cost us anything!! Now I am just trying to figure out how to use the thing, I miss phones being all set up and ready to go! We were there for two hours!!! When we got home Jese mowed the front yard while I packed his lunch/supper and then he left. I cleaned the house and went grocery shopping. Then I decided to make M&M cookies, they are so yummy! I ran out of brown sugar so I just used regular sugar for the amount I was short and you can't even tell! Now I am just sitting down to relax for the night! Tomorrow morning I plan on convincing Jese to help me plant all of our plants!
P.S. those are the only up north pictures you are going to get because that is all I took!!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Yea, our garden is getting put together!!

Kipper watching over the dirt pile
Jese and Rick working hard!
Kipper breaking up a stick for a fire!

Hello! Right now Jese and Rick are putting in our above ground garden! It is going to look very nice! I supervised them for a little while but now I am back inside. I also hung up my window boxes on the garage so I can get flowers for them. I don't really know much today so you just get pictures!


oh yes, the babies have hatched! We can't see them yet though because they are too little and they are hiding in all of the rocks!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Bad Fish, Bad!

Our nice clean fish tank!!
Two of the six naughty fish!

We are in TROUBLE!! Today Jese told me that we are going to have babies soon. He noticed that there were fish eggs on a rock and two fish protecting it! Not good news. To top it off when we got home tonight I decided to do some observing and found two more egg nests!! That means we are going to have about 300 fry hatching out in a couple of days!! So now we know not to clean our tank because that encourages breeding, stupid fish! For some reason I get very stressed out about this because I know all of the fish are going to be stressed and I feel bad. Poor Old Mama is looking really bad. Everyone is picking on her and nobody wants to mate with her because they witnessed her killing Old Papa. Well check back for more convict cichlid updates!