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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here come the veggies!

The finished vegetable garden! (I took the picture on my phone and didn't realize my finger was in it!) 
The little flower garden (yes that is my finger again!)
Flower boxes on the garage!
Kipper enjoying the sun with me!

Hello! This morning we got going early again. Jese mowed the rest of the lawn right away and then we got started on the gardens! We found out we may have gone a little over board on our veggies because we ran out of room for all of them! I was going to have to small flower beds but I had to change one of them to an onion bed!! I also had to put some onions in a pot :) Our pepper plants are too close together but hopefully they will be fine. Jese had to leave for work early because he had a meeting, but that means he will get done early! After I was done with the gardens I sat outside reading for awhile, then I went to the farm to get milk, then I read outside some more. I just started my laundry and found out our floor drain is acting up again!! It isn't backing up too much, I just tried a small load of clothes and it didn't back up at all so I guess I am just going to have do the clothes in a lot more loads!!

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