Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Work and Bake all day long!!!

Hello again!! Well today I worked AAALLL day long! It wasn't to busy so that was nice! When I got done with work the stylists asked me to bake a cake for tomorrow, so that is what I did when I got home! Well really I went to the grocery store to get some ingredants. Once I got home I made a chocolate cake from scratch, Jese now told me he likes my white cakes from scratch better :( I also made a triple chocolate cheese cake! I hope it is yummy, we won't find out untill tomorrow though because it has to cool and sit in the fridge for at least 3 hours so it won't be ready untill 1:00 AM, that is way to late to eat that kind of food! Well right now I am watching Cars so I must go!! Later Gators,

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