Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Hello!!! I am going nuts here!! The cats are liking the boxes here way too much!!! Pizza has decided to start eating the tape off the boxes and they both keep smashing the empty ones!! We don't have much living space either and I can't clean very good around the boxes either!!! Just a few more days that it will all be over!!! Yesterday I went to work 1 1/2 hours early for the other girl and I am going to work for her on Sunday too, anything for more hours!! Since we both took off a week to go up north we are hurting mertin for money right now, good thing we only took one week off for vacation!!! Today I want to go to the beach and be a beach bum!!! Maybe when it gets up to 80 we will go, so like in an hour!!!! Today Jese and both have it off, I could have worked but I thought it would be nice to have a day off with him for once!! We need to do major cleaning today, mostly in the bathroom and the oven!! Behind the toliet needs a good cleaning!!! I just farted, hehe!!! The kitty's are fighting right now, jerks!!! This morning Pizza was laying on me and I was getting mad because it was toooooo hot for her to be on me!!! Well I guess I don't really know anything so I guess I will go eat a bagel!!


Since Cassie doesn't update anymore I thought I would put a picture up of her, this one is of her and her imaginary husband (Nick is supposed to be photo-shopped in)

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