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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The move has begun....sorta!!

Hello!! Well today I have been packing like mad!!! After I did the first box I did today I had to go to wal mart and get more tape because I ran out!! So now I have all of my clothes and bedroom things, bathroom things, and most of the living room/kitchen things packed!! Now it is mostly things I will pack monday night, and Jese's clothes because I told him I wasn't doing them!! I just thought of something else too, I haven't looked under the bed yet, there is quite a bit under there!!! Anyways I ran out of boxes again!! The ones I used today came from a girl Jese works with that just moved, her boyfriend got really mad because she was talking to Jese untill he found out that we were getting married then he was okay with her giving us boxes!! Some of hers have stuff writting on them though, like one says i love butt, weird-o!! She also had kitchen stuff, etc. wrote on them so I had to hide that so my stuff doesn't get put in the wrong room!!!! Maybe I will just make a fire and burn it all.....

Okay so maybe that wouldn't be a very good idea!!! So in one car on the way over when we move we will have 2 fish tanks, 1 mouse cage, and 2 cats!!! We will probably have to separte the cats, oreo gets scared in cars but Pizza runs all over chasing other cars!!! Their cat bag is too little for them now!!! I wish I were a witch so I could make my t.v's and furniture little and light so it would be easier to move!! Speaking of witches, I went to Walmart at midnight and picked up Harry Potter with all the other H.P geeks!!! I had it finished in 24 hours, and in those 24 hours I also worked, slept, and colored my hair (i am not allowed to say dyed my hair because one of the girls at work threw a fit....well not a big fit she just said that the hair doesn't die it is just colored!!!) Yesterday there was a 10-year-old who got her eyebrows waxed and her hair "colored", I couldn't believe a mom would let her daughtor that young do it!!!!! Well Jese is on his way home and he is about to find out I packed most of the food and dishes up so I better go!!! Oh yeah I forgot to say Harry Potter was very good but don't worry I won't say if anyone or who dies!!!!


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