Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hello Hello!!

Hello!! Well this is the last time I will be updating for awhile! Tomorrow I am going up north with amy, jese, dad, and grandpa w. so we can throw some bear bait out! We are staying up there until monday, except for jese because it is his birthday on friday and he has to come home for a birthday party with his grandma. I have 4 1/2 days of work left! I am done on friday at noon next week and then I am moving to winona, jese is moving on thursday because he has to get a new computer. he is going to apply for jobs then and figure out our internet and t.v. so i can continue to update this while I am not in class and so i can watch my t.v. shows! that is his job because it involves talking on the phone and i don't like to call people. i start school on the 28th, i am ready for it to start, but i am sure after a week i will be ready for summer again! well that is about all i know! oh yes Pizza got declawed on monday, i am so happy no more claws in my foot!!

Christa Ann Wadekamper

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