Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I can see the light!!!

Hello Hello!! Well after this class today I only have 2 more days off classes!! The I have a few days of finals then I get MARRIED!! Sweet dude!! Then even better it is CHRISTMAS!!!! Woohoo!!! I am so excited I love winter it is the BEST time of the year!! Today I registered for my classes but I couldn't register for one because you can only register for 16 credits at first so some classes stay open for the icky freshman!! So once I can register for more I will have my first semester of 18 credits!! This time I won't have to start until 9:30 instead of 8!! M W F I have classes from 10-12 and on W I have a class at 3-6. On T TH I have class from 9:30-2, boring!!! At least it is a little bit later then this semester! My presentation went okay today my test didn't go so well but it looks like only 5% of the class got more than 50% so I don't feel so bad!! I didn't get my homework done yet that is due on thursday, Jese is going to bring it in to my profesors for me, he is soooo nice! So tonight I have to do Computer Accounting homework so Jese can bring that in for me tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow because I won't be on thrusday :( I also have to finish my paper and Stats homework, which wasn't working on the computer program before but I figured out the problem and fixed it!! I am STARVING!!! After my class I am getting my hair colored because on Thursday I am getting EXTENSIONS!!! Woohoo!!! That will be sweet except for it will take me WAY longer to fix my hair :( Well I guess I better take some notes now, later gators
Only 18 days!!!

1 comment:

Christa said...

if i take 2 semesters (including the summer) of 18 credits I could be done next fall!!! hopefully i pass all of my classes this semester so i don't have to retake any of them because then i wouldn't be able to get done untill spring '09 :(