Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Hello!! Not much has happened lately. Yesterday Jese and I watched Half Light with Demi Moore and Serenity. They were both good. We also watched some Gilmore Girls. On Friday night we went to Wal-Mart to return Jese's fish and get him some new ones. When we went back to get some there was a guy working and he was a jerk, if I didn't know the fish lady we probably wouldn't go back there for fish. He kept telling us stupid stuff like you can't feed goldfish tropical fish food when I have all my life and it never hurt them. He also wouldn't let Jese get any fish he wanted because they were to mean or to big, the jerk. So we ended not getting any and we will go back on Thursday during the day when the nice fish lady is there. Today I have to do homework, I was doing it but then I got bored so then I cleaned but now I am done with that so I think I am going to have to go back to homework :( Well that is all I know!!

Christa W.

Oh yes congrats to Nick for passing his test, now the Jensen's can move to MN!!

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