Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 27, 2006

"Facts are stupid things." -Ronald Reagan

Hello. Well this morning I got up to find that my hair looked great from my mother braiding it yesterday and then I took it out last night so it wouldn't be too poofy so now I can study instead of taking a shower! I have a test today in Microeconomics that I am not to excited for. I think I know everything, but I thought that last time too so we will see how I do. I have one hour to study before I have to get on the bus and I also have to get dressed still!! It is so very nice out! This week the weather is going to be great, I am excited winter is coming to an end because I hate it. Conor and Tim are coming today to visit Jese and I because they are on spring break, the hookers I wish I was still on break :( There are only 27 days left of school!!! I am ready for it to be done. This weekend I get to see Apollo Anton Ohno with Amy and her friend Anna, I am pumped. Well I am going to go study and get ready now, bye!!

Christa Ann Wadekamper

1 comment:

Amy said...

you spelled apolo's name wrong, it's only one "l", so get it right next time hooker:)