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Friday, August 03, 2007

One Room Finished!!!

Hello everyone!!! Well I did I finally finished unpacking everything!!!! I also managed to get one room all decorated and ready to live in!! Well I guess I haven't unpacked everything because there is a box of office things that have no home and a box of pictures that need to be hung up but that is all!!! My boss is coming tomorrow to pick up the entertainment center, yeepee $75!!!! The new one is way nicer!! So I finished the office/workout room just a few minutes ago!! I hope Jese likes it, I made him a chart for when he worksout becausehe always has to write everything down in a notebook so he doesn't forget what he did!! I decided to hang up all of his frisbee's for frisbee golf so I don't have to store them and the make nice decoration in a workout room!! The fish tank is on my desk right now but it isn't going to stay there, I just haven't found a spot for it yet. We had a fish tank on a dresser in the old apartment but now we put both of the dressers in the closet so we don't have a place for the fish tank, we will figure something out though!!! I got paid today so now we aren't hurten merten for cash, yeepee!!!! Well I am starving because I haven't ate lunch yet so I must go, my ramen noodles are calling my name!!


Sharon said...

The room looks good Christa! Jese is going to love having a place to work out in.

Love you Mom

Anonymous said...

that room looks great, would you like to do mine?hehe

jese will get huge in that room.

dad r