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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Canning Day!

Hello! This week has been busy. On Wednesday I sold donuts in Medford. On Thursday and Friday Jese and I both sold donuts. It wasn't very busy so we ended up closing early on Thursday and Friday. After we were done on Friday we went to Cabela's and got me a new fishing pole. I got a blue rod, orange reel, and yellow line! It looks pretty sweet, now I am all ready to go back up north, which we are doing Wednesday night! Today I slept in until 9:00, I don't remember the last time I slept that late! Then I went to the farmer's market. I wanted to can tomatoes today but only had about 18 tomatoes, so I decided to buy 1/2 a bushel of tomatoes! Well needless to say, that was plenty! I started canning around noon and just got done! (It is now 9:00) I got slowed down a little bit because I also had to make Jese's birthday supper. I made him Jamie Oliver meatloaf. he said it was really good, I tried a bite of it but I was to busy to eat.
Making Bolognese sauce and tomato sauce...
...and now meatloaf too! That is 3 things at once!
Once all the tomatoes and jars were out of the boxes, Pizza decided she had to be in them!
9 hours, 3 trips to the grocery store, 4 burned fingers, 1 burned arm later and I have 16 jars of diced tomatoes, 10 jars of salsa, 16 jars of tomato sauce, and 5 jars of Bolognese sauce! It was a long day!!


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