Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Eat a live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." -Unknown

Hello! Well not much has really happened but I am stalling on writting my paper because I have to run down and change the laundry in 5 minutes so I don't want to start my paper! Well actually I started it yesterday, yes that is right I finally started it! I have the introduction done, now I just have to write 3 1/2 pages, find enough graphs and tables to fill 2 pages, and write the abstract on the title page! Really that paper is supposed to be 7-22 pages, including the title page, graphs, and biblography, but the text part has to be at least 4 pages, shouldn't take to long! I forgot to write the other day that I got to register for my fall classes on tuesday and for the first time ever I got into all of them! That is because I took a test last semester so I could register early, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into any of them again! I have no classes on Monday or Fridays so that will be sweet and I only have one class on Wednesday! I am only taking 5 classes however because all of the other ones I wanted to take were at the same time as the other classes I am taking, oh well! Brrr, I am cold right now, all of the windows are open and it is only 52 degrees, I think I may shut one or two of them untill it warms up a bit more! It is supposed to get up to 62 degrees today and then this weekend it is going to warm up into the 70s!!! Perfect weather for a BBQ I think!! Well what else do I know....oh yes, yesterday I brought Pizza outside by myself because she kept meowing in the windows, much like Amy's kitten Charlie does when she wants to go outside! So I was nice and brought her out! She ran all over, but then she decided to go through a bush that I couldn't get through and so we were stuck for a few minutes because I couldn't reach her to pull back to my side and she was fighting against the leash trying to get me to come to her side, eventually I broke my way through the bush! This morning Jese called up Qwest and got my wireless internt working again!! He is so nice, he had to call 3 times before he got someone who knew what they were talking about! Well I think my laundry is ready to be switched now so I better go change it because I have about 7 more loads to do by 3:45 today!

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