Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

So Bored!

Hello! Well today I is my last day of tests!! I have one test at 1:00 and the other at 3:30 and then I am done, yea!!! This morning I got up and packed up my car and then I went to Fantastic Sams to get my hair washed since I couldn't take a shower! After that I came to the library since my computer was dead and I had no charger! My phone is also dead becasue I talked on it to much yesterday, opps! I don't really know anything. I am just sitting here bored! I think I will read over all of my notes really quick and then go to my car and get my books and then go sell them at the bookstore since I won't need them anymore :) Okay well I guess I will do that! Have a nice day!


1 comment:

Sharon said...

Why can't you take a shower?????