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Thursday, September 18, 2008

What do you mean gas dropped $0.16 a gallon after I filled up!!!

Hello again! Well I put of filling up my car for about a week because I don't like to fill it up so I normally wait until Jese is with me so he will do it (I know I am lazy!) So finally after my gas light came on I decided it was time to fill up, don't worry I conviced Jese to come with me! At that time gas was a whopping $3.75 a gallon, that was on Tuesday. Well since then it has dropped all the way down to $3.59, I hate when that happens. I wish I could have crystal ball that told me the future so I could save $0.16 a gallon, that would have been about $2.00 off of what I paid, that is nuts! Stupid economy!! I am sure glad I found my job over a year ago so I wouldn't have to try to find one now, because I am pretty sure the only place I (or anyone else) would get hired at would be Walmart and I for one would not like to work there!! I read in the paper today that unemployment rates in Minnesota went up to 6.2%, that is higher than the national average, sucks for people who live here!! There were 3,100 jobs dropped in August. I just thought I would let you all know because some people (Jese) don't realize that we really are lucky to have our jobs! Last night Jese cooked for me, he is so nice, I told him it would have been nicer if he would have done it without me asking him to, but that is okay I will take what I can get! He cooked for about an hour, that is way longer than he normally does!! I am so glad it is the weekend! I work tonight but then it is my weekend off!! It was so nice this week having tuesday-thursday off, I feel way better!! I am not rushed in getting my homework done, I can do some house cleaning, it is way nicer! Next week I am going to try to help Jese with his drywall job though because it is a big job! Okay well I am in class so I guess I better pretend to listen!!


Christa said...

oh wait now it is $3.54

Amy said...

if you were a nurse, like me, you wouldn't have to worry about finding a job because there are TONS and TONS of nursing jobs because even if the economy sucks, people still get sick!!! YEAH sick people!!!