Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well after much thinking this week in my classes I decided that I can graduate in May. I need 15 more credits to get the 150 for the CPA exam, which I am planning on taking this summer. However, I am able to graduate after this semester because all of my classes that I need are finished. So I had to find out if I could still take classes after I graduated and I just got an email telling me that I could. Now I just need to find out if I need to come up with$3500, or if I can still get financial aid for this summer. I guess if I can't I can just accept more for this semester and just put it into savings until then!! Now I can find a real job and start it this summer. So far I have found 3 online classes, I just need to find 2 more and we will be able to live where ever we want in May, that will be so nice! I hope I can find them. Now I just need to declare my minor, get a class substitute request filed, and apply for graduation, yippee!! My day just got much better!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! It's an awesome feeling, I know.


Sharon said...

Good Job Christa, always knew you could do it!!!!