Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, February 02, 2009

Did you feel that!

Good ol' Spring peaked her eyes open this weekend! It was so warm (okay not that warm) and sunny and nice out on Saturday and Sunday! Spring was thinking about waking up...just another month or so and I can wear my Spring jacket every day! This weekend at work was tiring it was so busy! Both days we were swamped, I couldn't believe it!! Yesterday I went to bed before 9:00 and I didn't get up until 9:30 this morning!! I was so tired! Now I feel much better. Jese is so nice, I shoveled a path from our door to the sidewalk so now if we have to quick run outside we can just go through the sliding door, yea!! I don't really know to much, I just got done doing my accounting homework, it only took me about 15 minutes, it was easy! Now I am going to watch Friday Night Lights while studying for my Auditing test I have tomorow. Well have a great day!

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