Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, December 04, 2009

"Fine I guess I will go be an adult now!" -Jese when he had to quit playing his video game

Jese was mean and made Pizza have reindeer antlers on today!
This morning Amy woke me up at 8:15 telling me to get up so she could come make cookies with me! So I forced myself to get out of bed because I had to do the dishes before she came. She ended up not getting here for a few hours though! Once she got here we went to the grocery store to get ingredients for cookies! We ate some lunch before we started the cookies. We ended up making snowball cookies, spritz cookies, and peanut butter blossom cookies! We have about 200 spritz cookies because Amy wanted to double the recipe!! That is okay though because you can eat lots of those because they are so small. I made some venison chops and cheesy veggies for supper, Jese got up just in time for it! After that Amy and the kids left. Now Jese is getting ready to go. Tomorrow I am going to watch Ben wrestle and make Josie's birthday cake! Have a nice night!

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