Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Night Husband!

Dear Jese,
Since I won't see you tonight and only for 10 minutes tomorrow I thought I would just write to you and tell you about my day! My drive up to work went very well. I left a little too early so I sat in my car for 10 minutes before I went into work. When I got there I started training myself to be a cashier along with two other new workers. After a little while I was asked if I was ready to cashier and so I said sure! Then for the rest of the night I cashiered! It was very easy and much nicer than when I worked at Farm & Home. When I worked there I had to type in all of the sku numbers, now I can just scan the UPC code, much easier! I got off work at the same time as one of the other new workers, he is from Alaska, so we walked out together so I didn't have to walk by myself! There was lots more traffic on my way home then there was on my way there! Since I forgot to get shampoo and conditioner after work I stopped at Coborn's to get some. I also got orange juice! The cashier couldn't believe that I would pay $6.00 just for shampoo, I told him it is less then what I used to pay! Then I told him not to stay too busy at work tonight (There was only one other customer there with me!) Once I got home I fought with both garage doors to close, I wish those would get fixed. I could hear Kipper barking the whole time I was fighting with the doors. By the way, our motion detector light is more like a light that stays on whenever it feels like it! It was on when I got home (I turned it on for me for when I got home) and then when I turned it on to put Kipper outside it turned off after 45 seconds with him out there, stupid thing! Once I let Kipper out I poured myself a glass of orange juice and now I am just sitting here writing this! I hope your night at work goes fast and well! Okay well it is late so I am going to go turn and a movie in our freezing cold bedroom and go to sleep with my animals!

1 comment:

Amy said...

WOW, you sure were social yesterday, talking to a co-worker AND the checker at the grocery store!!! impressive!!!