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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nothing New Today

Amy snowmobiling at dads!
Dad and Ben working on the snow fort
I buried Jese!
Dad, Jessica, and Ben

Hello everyone! I don't really know much today. I didn't feel like waking up this morning so I didn't get up until 20 minutes before I had to leave! I worked all day today. Tomorrow I don't work until 4:00 tomorrow! Then I have Friday off, yea! I am sleepy, I don't think I will stay up very late tonight. Right now I am watching Kill Bill Vol. 2, it is on TV. Kill Bill Vol. 1 just got over. Jese works tonight, it is his first night out of four. Okay well my eyes hurt so I am done looking at the computer now!

1 comment:

Amy said...

you have updated 189 times this year, that is the most you have updated!! i would have to update 4 more times today, then i would have the most updates for my blog:)