Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln

Happy Easter!! I am just sitting in my room waiting for Jese to get done with class so we can head on home for easter. I should be out of here by 8:30. Today I packed up a bunch of my stuff that I don't use any more and I am bringing it all home. I also had a ton of laundry because I haven't done it in a couple of weeks! There are only 13 days left of school!! Good news, I got my test back in accounting that I didn't get to study for and I pulled off a C! It sounded like the whole class did bad so that is good! Today the high was 81!! holy crap that seems hot for April, I didn't like it because I never seem to have summer clothes, so tomarrow I am going to make a trip to Medford with my mother to look for some cheap shirts and maybe some shorts (even though I hate shorts because they are all uncomfy) Yesterday I forgot to say that Jese and I walked back from campus again on tuesday because it was nice out. Okay well that is about it!! Have a happy easter!!!

Christa Wadekamper


Amy said...


Jamie said...

I hate shorts too!