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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Denial Stage

Free shots for the bride!
My new brother!
Brad and I!

Hello! I think I am going through the stages of acceptance backwards. Earlier this week when our drain in the basement backed up I was in the final stage, the acceptance stage, well today I have moved back to the denial stage!! We have had no luck unplugging it so now it is time for the professionals. I called the people Rick told us to call, well bad new there. They used to have an office out of Le Sueur but now they just have one in Mankato. That means they won't just come with a camera and look to see if we have a broken pipe or a clog, no they will only come and attempt to clean it out, costing us between $350-400!! So that is a no-go since we aren't 100% it is a clog or a broken pipe. So after that phone call I have gone into denial. I am just going to pretend that I can still use the kitchen sink and do the dishes, and I am just going to eat M&M cookies because they solve everything. 
Today is cleaning day, I have to get the house ready for Alicia's bachelorette party, even if that means backing up the drain so our basement floor gets wet again. Yesterday I babysat, that was pretty easy! Jese and I also babysat on Tuesday, that was easy too! I don't really know much, that is why I haven't updated in a few days. I guess I will just go wash my dishes with very little water now!

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