Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Obsessions run you life, I would rather run my own life

Hello again! Today was busy at work, well really it wasn't busy until 12:30, then we got swamped but I am such a good worker we were fine!! My feet are really sore now though from walking back and forth and back and forth!! After work was done I had to talk to the owner about when I am going to work next semester. My classes don't get done untill 4:30 or 4:50 every day except for friday so it is going to be hard for me to work there, so I will probably end up working all day Friday and every weekend, execpt one per month. Hopefully it won't suck too much!! I think they are going to let me know tomorow when they are going to have me work. Also they asked me if when I get done with school if I was going to stay there and look for another job or what I was going to do so I had to tell them that as soon as I was done with school I am out of the crappy town, I can't wait!! This was my 4th Saturday in a row I have worked!! I am ready for next week because it will be my weekend off! I hope it isn't busy tomorow so I can leave early, that would be really nice! Jese just left me to go back to Faribault so he can help cut up the deer tomorow, I hope he gets home early tomorow. Oh yes, this morning I woke up at 6:20 because Oreo decided it was necessary to meow and scratch at the closet door and then meow some more!! There are only 12 more days of classes and then a week of finals and that is it!! I am so excited to be done with this semester! I only have two more tests in Accounting, one on Tuesday and then the one during finals week and I am still at a B!!! Just think last semester I was at a F in the same class just a different teacher!! Last night I put 27 of our movies on ebay and another Hoyt shirt that Jese had. The shirt already has a bid on it and two people watching it but the movies aren't doing so good yet. Okay well I don't know anything else so see ya on the flip side!

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